14 Things I’d Tell my 25 Year Old Self about Marriage

Over the last month, I’ve been sharing things I wish I could tell my 25-year-old self. I’ve already shared what I’d say to myself about leadership and life, so I thought I’d share some thoughts about marriage.

At 25, I had been married for three years, had just graduated from seminary, had already been fired from a job, and had a child.

So a lot had happened, and I still had no idea what I was doing when it came to marriage.

1. Your spouse has hopes and dreams too. I realized in my mid-30’s that our entire marriage and life had become about my dreams and goals. When we first got married, I finished up my masters, we moved for my jobs and kept things moving for my career. This isn’t necessarily wrong; in fact, you have to decide whose career will be the one that provides for your family. What quickly happened was I lost track of Katie’s hopes and dreams. I didn’t ask, and she stopped talking about them.

One day, I realized, I don’t know what Katie’s dreams are for the future. Sure, she probably shared mine (that’s what everyone husband says), but the reality is, she has her own because she is her person.

After apologizing to her, I asked what they were. I always tell people you don’t know the answer to this, even if you think you do.

2. You will hurt your spouse deeply (and they’ll hurt you). I guess I was surprised by how much I could hurt a person. While I had experienced hurt before, there is something different and deeper in marriage. Mainly because of the proximity and how much your spouse knows about you. But there is something else to this; there is a longing of acceptance that I had that I was only mildly aware of when we got married.

3. Getting through things will feel like it is taking all of your efforts, and it will often feel hopeless before it feels better. The high’s in marriage is incredible, but the low’s are lower than I expected. There are moments in a marriage where it feels like getting through the day will take more energy, effort, and grace than you have. This is where our faith has been crucial for us. I’m not sure we would’ve survived otherwise.

Often, what is hard in life and marriage is that when you move towards health and make changes, it gets harder before it gets easier. It is easy to think that because you’ve decided to change something that it should just start working, but it doesn’t. Sometimes it takes years to undo bad habits.

4. Get a counselor. I’ve said this in every post of lessons I’ve learned, but I’ll repeat it. Underneath almost all of your marriage problems are one of three things, and a counselor can help you to navigate those things and figure them out. For Katie and I, seeing a counselor, has helped us to have a wise voice interject to help us navigate different issues and have a common language with which to move forward.

5. Have a weekly date night and get away once a year. No matter what. We are big proponents of this and are blown away by the pushback we get from people on it. Protect your marriage and time together.

Here’s one thing I’ve never heard someone say, “We had too many date nights and getaways as a couple.” Have you heard someone say that? You haven’t, and you won’t.

These moments are invaluable to a healthy marriage. When Katie and I miss date nights, we feel it, and our marriage suffers because of it. These moments communicate with each other, “you matter, I’m thinking of you.”

At 25, we weren’t in this habit at all. Why? You don’t think you need to be because you’re in love and you have more time. Start as soon as you can as a couple.

6. Tell your kids they come after your spouse. This goes with #5 and something I’ve written on before, but make sure your schedule and life reflect that your spouse comes before your kids. You don’t neglect your kids, but your actions should communicate, marriage matters more than parenting.


The goal is for your kids to leave, not your spouse.

7. Understand the impact of your energy level, seasons in life, and know they are essential. In your 20’s, you think you have all the energy in the world. And you do in a way. But slowly, it dissipates. Work, age, health, aging parents, kids, lack of sleep, hormones. And the energy you had for work, life, hobbies, and relationships is lower.

If you aren’t prepared for this, it will run over you like a freight train.

This is why so many men in their late 30’s implode, burnout, cheat, and make terrible decisions. They think they are 23 still.

Couples do this with kids too. They think they have to sign up for everything, run after everything and they get tired.

Take stock regularly about the season of life, parenting, work, and marriage you are in. Understand that what you did in your 20’s isn’t what you’ll do in your 40’s.

Right now, parenting for us takes more energy and time than it did before, and I’ve had to say no to more outside opportunities. One day I might get to say yes to those things.

8. Prioritize friendships as an individual and a couple. I’m an introvert, and so I have to work hard at relationships. Thankfully, I have.

Most men, as they age, have less and fewer friendships.

Don’t do that.

If I sat down with my 25-year-old self, I would tell him, “cherish your friends and build into them.”

9. Help to make your spouse better. When you get married, you think your spouse will fulfill all your dreams and help you reach all your goals by making you better. Most of us don’t believe that we will do that for our spouse.

It’s sad because one of the things that makes a marriage great is seeing your spouse grow, become better, and reach milestones. I love being able to celebrate Katie and see her get better. Selfishly in the early years of our marriage, I didn’t think that way. I wanted her to help me grow, not the other way around.

I hope, when we are old and gray, Katie will be able to say that she is a better person because she spent her life with me. I know I’ll be able to say that of her.

10. Laugh a lot and enjoy each other and your life together. Notice, I didn’t say laugh at each other, but to laugh with each other.

To this day, I’d rather be with Katie than anyone else. I love traveling with her, eating with her, sitting silently with her and listening to her talk.

Find things you both enjoy doing and do those together, but also give space for each other to have hobbies they do without you.

11. Fight for oneness. We tell couples when you fight, and you will fight, fight for oneness. Always push towards being more and more one flesh than two.

12. Be your spouse’s biggest cheerleader. I’ll admit, I was pretty selfish (and still battle it) when we got married, so this has been hard for me sad because I missed some great opportunities to cheer for Katie and lift her.

Cheering for your spouse sometimes will mean that you lose out on your dream simply because of space and capacity. That is okay. Sacrifice is one of the beautiful things about marriage.

13. Never make fun of each other. From the beginning of our marriage, we created rules.

One of them was to never make fun of each other. Ever.

Have you ever watched a couple who nagged at each other or poked fun? The one being made fun of dies a little bit in front of everyone. For us, we strive not to tell stories that make the other person look stupid or silly.

This rule has been a life saver for us.

14. Stay pure and do all you can to have a great sex life. Porn almost destroyed us at the beginning of our marriage, and we’ve watched it destroy countless others. Part of being a student of your spouse as you get older understands their sexuality and what turns them on.

I remember an older guy telling me in my 20’s that if you worked at it, sex only got better in marriage. At 25 I thought he was crazy, but he’s right.

12 Ways to Keep the Passion Alive in Your Marriage

Keep the passion alive in your marriage

I came across this list in Daniel Akin’s book God on Sex: The Creator’s Ideas about Love, Intimacy, and Marriage and thought it was beneficial. Use this list as a way to evaluate where you are as a couple when it comes to passion for each other. What are you doing well? What 1 or 2 things could you improve?

  1. Work at it. A lifetime of love and romance takes effort. Few things in life are as complicated as building and maintaining an intimate, passionate relationship. You need to work on it regularly to get through those trying periods that require extra work.
  2. Think team. When making important decisions, such as whether to work overtime or accept a transfer or promotion, ask yourself this question: What will the choice I am making do to the people I love? Talk with your mate and family. Make “we” decisions that will have the most positive impact on your marriage and your family.
  3. Be protective. Guard and separate your marriage and your family from the rest of the world. This might mean refusing to work on certain days or nights. You might turn down relatives and friends who want more of you than you have the time, energy, or wisdom to give. You might even have to say no to your children to protect time with your spouse. The kids won’t suffer if this is done occasionally and not continuously. It will be beneficial for everyone!
  4. Accept that good and not perfect is okay when it comes to your mate. No one is perfect other than Jesus! You married a real person who will make real mistakes. However, never be content with bad. Always aim high, but settle for good!
  5. Share your thoughts and feelings. We have seen this one over and over. Unless you consistently communicate, signaling to your spouse where you are and getting a recognizable message in return, you will lose each other along the way. Create or protect communication-generating rituals. No matter how busy you may be, make time for each other. For example, take a night off each week, go for a walk together regularly, go out to breakfast if you can’t have dinner alone, or sit together for 30 minutes each evening just talking, without any other distractions.
  6. Manage anger and especially contempt better. Try to break the cycle in which hostile, cynical, contemptuous attitudes fuel unpleasant emotions, leading to negative behaviors that stress each other out and create more tension. Recognize that anger signals frustration of some underlying issue. Avoid igniting feelings of anger with the judgment that you are being mistreated. Watch your non-verbal signals, such as your tone of voice, hand and arm gestures, facial expressions, and body movements. Remain seated, don’t stand or march around the room. Deal with one issue at a time. Don’t let your anger about one thing lead you into showering the other with a cascade of problems. If different topics surface during your conflict, note them to address later. Try to notice subtle signs that anger or irritation is building. If you are harboring these feelings, express them before they grow too much and lead to an angry outburst. Keep focused on the problem, not persons. Don’t turn a relatively manageable problem into a catastrophe. Emphasize where you agree.
  7. Declare your devotion to each other again and again. True long-range intimacy requires repeated affirmations of commitment to your spouse. Remember: love is in both what you say and in how you act. Buy flowers. Do the dishes and take out the trash without being asked. Give an unsolicited back or foot rub. Committed couples protect the boundaries around their relationship. Share secrets more than with any circle of friends and relatives.
  8. Give each other permission to change. Pay attention. If you aren’t learning something new about each other every week or two, you just aren’t observing closely enough. You are focusing on other things more than one another. Bored couples fail to update how they view each other. They act as though the roles they assigned and assumed early in the relationship will remain forever comfortable. Remain constantly abreast of each other’s dreams, fears, goals, disappointments, hopes, regrets, wishes, and fantasies. People continue to trust those people who know them best and who love and accept them.
  9. Have fun together. Human beings usually fall in love with the ones who make them laugh, who make them feel good on the inside. They stay in love with those who make them feel safe enough to come out to play. Keep delighting a priority. Put your creative energy into making yourselves joyful and producing a relationship that regularly feels like recess.
  10. Make yourself trustworthy. People come to trust the ones who affirm them. They learn to distrust those who act as if a relationship were a continual competition over who is right and who gets their way. Always work as if each of you has thoughts, impressions, and preferences that make sense, even if your opinions or needs differ. Realize your spouse’s perceptions will always contain at least some truth, maybe more than yours, and validate those truths before adding your perspective to the discussion.
  11. Forgive and forget. Don’t be too hard on each other. If your passion and love are to survive, you must learn how to forgive. Ephesians 4:32 must always be front and center. You and your spouse regularly need to wipe the slate clean so that anger doesn’t build and resentment fester. Holding on to hurts and hostility will block real intimacy. It will only assure that no matter how hard you otherwise work at it, your relationship will not grow. Do what you can to heal the wounds in a relationship, even if you did not cause them. Be compassionate about the fact that neither of you intended to hurt the other as you set out on this journey.
  12. Cherish and applaud. One of the most fundamental ingredients in the intimacy formula is cherishing each other. You need to celebrate each other’s presence. If you don’t give your spouse admiration, applause, appreciation, acknowledgment, the benefit of the doubt, encouragement, and the message that you are happy to be there with them now, where will they receive those gifts? Be generous. Be gracious. One of the most painful mistakes a couple can make is the failure to notice their own mate’s heroics. These small acts of unselfishness include taking out the trash, doing the laundry, mowing the lawn, driving the carpool, preparing the taxes, keeping track of birthdays, calling the repairman, and cleaning the bathroom, as well as hundreds of other routine labors. People are amazingly resilient if they know that they are appreciated. Work hard at noticing and celebrating daily acts of heroism by your mate.

The 3 Things at the Root of Most of our Marriage Problems & Hangups

A few weeks ago I was speaking at a conference, and I mentioned that I’m not a very good counselor. I said, “typically, you have one of three problems, and the faster I can figure it out, the faster we’ll move forward.”

I’ve said this numerous times in other settings.

But something different happened on this day.

Someone raised their hand during the Q&A and asked what those three things were?


  1. Your family of origin.
  2. Being comfortable in your own skin.
  3. Resentment and bitterness about how your life has turned out.

Is it that simple? I think so, and I’ll explain in a moment.

But I believe, almost every time I sit in a counseling situation, any argument I have with my wife, co-worker, child, parent or friend, it comes back to this. Addictions go back to this, hurt feelings go back to this, and missed opportunities come back to this.

Take the first, your family of origin. We underestimate the power of this one. We think we grew up in this kind of family (frugal, wealthy, shouting, alcoholic, the list goes on) and we believe it has little to do with our lives. This family determines so much about our lives, our marriage, career, how we handle money and the way we parent.

I grew up in a family that didn’t talk about emotions a lot or processes them. So guess what I don’t like to do? Talk about feelings and emotions. I don’t even want to cry in front of people (one of the things I’m working on with a counselor).

The second one is being comfortable in your own skin. This is the comparison game we have played our whole lives. Often, we will look at someone else’s marriage, career or talents and be jealous.

Often, what gets us stuck, particularly in our career, marriage or leadership is not being comfortable with who we are. We aren’t skinny enough, strong enough, smart enough, _____ enough. And we stop.

Which leads us the last one is resentment and bitterness about how your life has turned out. All of us have hopes and dreams for our lives and the future. What we struggle with is handling when they don’t play out like we thought or it doesn’t feel how we expected it to feel. Often, it won’t be as amazing as we expected it. We planned to be further up the career ladder, we expected to have kids by now or that they would be different than they are or that our spouse would be different or that we would be married by this age.

At this point, if we aren’t careful, the reason we are stuck is everyone else’s fault. We come up with all kinds of reasons as to why we’ve been overlooked, left behind or why we can’t get past an addiction or let go of something. But, very rarely is it our fault. Now, the reality is, where your life ends up is dependent on other people and they have an impact on it. But we also have a hande in those choices (i.e., where we go to school, where we work, how we invest our money, who we marry). As well, we have a choice in how we will respond to what someone else does. That is within our power to control.

Which is why Your life becomes the total of your choices.

You might think, this sounds too simplistic. It might be, but if you look at any struggle you are having right now in your career or a relationship, my hunch is you will find one of these three things underneath it.

7 Healthy Ways to Fight in Marriage

Relationships are hard work whether that is at work, home, the PTA, the baseball field.

In work, we leave one job because of that jerk boss or that obnoxious co-worker, but then, guess what happens at the new job? There’s a problematic person there.

We get married, and it becomes hard, so we wonder what’s wrong. Did I marry the wrong person? Why are they so complicated?

You didn’t marry the wrong person.

Do you know what a difficult marriage tells you? That you’re married.

A few things happen when disagreements and fights happen (maybe you can pick up where they occur in your life):

Some will have trouble with irritation and anger and perhaps nitpicky and critical.

Or have problems with ulterior motives, martyrdom, and manipulation.

Or they may have problems with narcissism, arrogance and being superficial, always keeping things on the surface.

They might have problems with moodiness and massive mood swings, and feeling above the common crowd or the situation.

Or they have problems with human interaction and shyness (so they prefer it on text, email or social media).

Or they doubt your sincerity; get anxious about the stability of the relationship.

Some struggle to keep their commitments in relationships and dislike talking about anything uncomfortable, so they change the subject or make it about something else.

Some struggle to handle their anger or their negative emotions and take responsibility for them.

And some will struggle to say what they need and want.

The reality is all relationships are hard.

The problem in our culture though is that we judge the health of a relationship based off of how easy it is.

But one thing separates healthy couples and healthy people: they know how to fight well.

So what do they do? Seven things:

1. They listen. Most of us are not very good at listening to another person. We are busy dismantling their argument in our head and getting ready to one-up them and win.

This might help you win the argument, but you will destroy the relationship in the process, or at the very least, damage it.

So listen, take a breath and then respond.

2. Fight for oneness. Scripture says that a married couple becomes one. This means when you make decisions when you seek a resolution of an argument you are looking for what will make you one.

Fighting for oneness takes away the power of having “a side.”

Some ways that couples don’t do that is through shaming their spouse publicly or privately, using their kids as leverage or involving another family member.

These all destroy oneness.

The most common place this comes up is the area of making a decision or “breaking a tie.” For Katie and I, we ask ourselves, “what’s the best decision for our us as a couple or our family?” This immediately changes the discussion.

3. Understand how your spouse best communicates. We know that people hear things differently from us or communicate differently, but unhealthy couples don’t apply that to their lives.

Healthy couples know: does my spouse needs space? Do they process things mentally or verbally? Do they need to talk about things right away or later? When is the right time to discuss something?

4. See things from their perspective. Going along with how they communicate, is doing what Brene Brown calls “getting curious” and asking questions.

5. Understand what you’re fighting about. Have you ever argued with someone and then thought, wait, what are we fighting about? It’s more common than you think in relationships.

The other side of this is whether or not you are fighting about what you’re fighting about. Most often, something happens that triggers a memory, a past relationship and we lash out at that, but take it out on the person in front of us. It is essential to know when that is happening.

I heard an older pastor one time say to write down everyone that has ever hurt you. He noted that the list would not be as long as we expect it to be. But that we are making the people in our lives now and in the future pay for what someone did in the past.

Going right along with knowing what you are fighting about is being specific. In tough conversations, be specific about what happened. If we aren’t exact, it makes it harder for people to hear us.

The reason being specific matters is often, we are unaware of how powerful our fears of intimacy and connection are and how powerful those longings of intimacy and connection are.

6. Give grace to your spouse or the other person. Don’t try to win that doesn’t move a relationship forward. Don’t yell or put your hands on them.

According to multiple studies, do you know the number 1 way to build trust in relationships? Asking for help. This is the act of giving grace and being vulnerable in a relationship.

7. Married couples: Connect physically, even if you don’t feel like it.

When you argue in relationships and fight, you are exposed. You are vulnerable. In marriage, connecting at this moment somehow is essential.

This will be harder for a married couple than you think because you feel exposed. The reason this matter is often, we are unaware of how powerful our fears of intimacy and connection are and how powerful those longings of intimacy and connection are.

16 Ways not to Fight with Your Spouse

Every couple fights. Some fight loudly, endlessly. Some fight quietly with silence. Some with slamming doors, some with glares.

When a couple says “We never fight.” What they are saying is, “We don’t have an honest relationship.”

Many couples have no idea how to fight. They might know how to shout and throw down, but they don’t know how to fight productively.

So, don’t believe the myth that there are some couples out there that do not fight. The couples that are healthy are the ones who learn how to fight in a constructive way that moves them forward.

Here are 16 ways to fight (taken from The Book of Romance with some thoughts from me):

  1. Never speak rashly. Choose your words carefully. Choose how you say things very carefully. Often, how we say something does more damage than what we say.
  2. Never confront your spouse publicly. I am blown away by how some couples will tear each other down in front of other people. If you are upset with your spouse, no one else needs to know about it or be involved. No one wants to listen to you fight. Doing this will destroy your marriage very quickly.
  3. Never confront your spouse in your children’s presence. This is tough to do because stuff comes up. It is best to fight away from your kids as it can tear at their confidence in your marriage and create uncertainty in their minds. If you do fight in front of your kids (and some couples want to show their kids how to fight) make sure you make up in front of your kids, let them see and know the resolution and talk with them about it. Don’t just assume they know you made up.
  4. Never use your kids in the conflict. A fight between a couple is just that, between a couple. Your kids, friends, parents don’t need to take a side, they don’t even need to be a part of it. Turning your kids against your spouse is disastrous for your marriage, family and your kids.
  5. Never say “never” or “always.” Even if it feels like always, no one does something all the time or never does something. Being very accusatory and will make the other person defensive. Don’t believe me? Try it. They will do everything in their power to think of the one time when they didn’t do it, and then what? Instead, use “When this happens, I feel ___________.” You have just said the same thing without putting them on defense.
  6. Never resort to name calling. If you can’t fight without calling each other names, don’t fight. That will not accomplish anything. The point of every fight is to have a resolution, to finish, to resolve it and battle for oneness. To conclude, you need to push towards that; name calling pushes against that.
  7. Never get historical. The past is the past. Especially if it is something you have talked through, one of you has apologized, and you have resolution on that issue. Let it go. It no longer is allowed to be brought up.
  8. Never stomp out of the room or leave. This will tell your spouse, “You should be afraid that I may leave at any minute.” This does not create confidence to fight well. To fight well, both spouses need to know that the other will stay there and finish. You might need to ask for space to process something but agree to that before leaving the room and decide when you will complete the discussion.
  9. Never raise your voice in anger. Kids listen better when we are calm; our spouses are the same way. When we raise our voice, we go on the offensive. It is like talking to someone in another language; they don’t understand us better just because we are talking louder.
  10. Never bring family members into the discussion unless they are a direct part of the problem being addressed. This is the same as #4. Your mother is not going to help the conversation with your spouse. It is between you and your spouse and you need to learn how to work it out. If a family member does insert themselves in a discussion, you must calmly remove them. The person who should do this most often is the person related. Otherwise, it can create a divide in the marriage. Remember, in marriage; you are creating a new family.
  11. Never win through reasoning or logic and never out-argue. The goal is a fight is not to win. The point is a resolution, a way forward. This is difficult for certain personalities (of which I’m one), but if you are logical and your spouse isn’t (they are more feeling oriented), logic isn’t going to help them see what you see.
  12. Never be condescending. This is the same as #5. The point is not to talk down to someone or put them on defense. Being right does not endear you to your spouse.
  13. Never demean. Do not put your spouse down, ever. Couples do this so often in public it blows me away. We need to be building up our spouses.
  14. Never accuse your spouse with “you” statements. It might be their fault, but that isn’t going to help the situation, you pointing it out. Telling them “You caused this” is not going to all of a sudden make the argument make sense. They already know. Remember the point of a fight, resolution.
  15. Never allow an argument to begin if both of you are overly tired, if one of you is under the influence of chemicals, or if one of you is physically ill. Don’t fight at night; you can’t think clearly and seek resolution if you are drunk, tired, sick. The good idea is to set a time to discuss this when you are calm, not intoxicated or stressed out. You must have the mental and emotional clarity to fight well in marriage.
  16. Never touch your spouse in a harmful manner. You are not a man because you can scare a woman or knock her around. Seriously. If your husband is hitting you, call the cops. If you are hitting your wife. Stop. Or, go and fight a man, someone who will hit back. Seriously. That is never okay.

Many times couples get stuck because they fight. Fighting is normal in a marriage or relationship. You are two sinners trying to move forward.

The couples who are healthy can argue productively.

The Power of Your Love Bank

On Sunday, Katie and I taught together at our church on what goes into a great marriage or relationship.

The exciting thing is that the Bible has a lot to say about great relationships and unhealthy ones. What makes a great relationship is a few simple things.

Over time, a couple begins working against each other. And that is because of what authors call the love bank (I’m not sure who coined it first).

The love bank is like a typical bank, one you make withdraws from and deposits into.

In each relationship you have, there is a love bank. Warm feelings, connection, good experiences together, needs to be met, love being communicated adds to the bank. Harsh words, showing and expressing love in ways that don’t make sense, selfishness, pride, those are all withdrawn from that love bank.

In every relationship, we are continually making deposits or withdraws. We are also asking ourselves, how much does this person have in the love bank with me?

Those closest to us (family, kids, parents, spouse) we often take for granted and think we can make more withdraws than deposits. Over time, this will lead to resentment, bitterness, and anger. A person who feels like they have too many withdraws will begin to withhold love, protect themselves and look out for themselves. I can’t blame them, and it makes sense since we look for safety and security in every relationship. But to have a great relationship, both people must stay on top of where they are in terms of their love bank balance.

There are two ways that Katie and I shared to do this: understanding your spouse’s (or friend, boss or co-worker, or child’s) love language and knowing their top emotional needs as laid out in the excellent book His Needs, Her Needs: Building an Affair-Proof Marriage (we can’t recommend this book highly enough).

According to the author of His Needs, Her needs, the top emotional needs are:

For men:

    • Sexual fulfillment
    • Recreational companionship
    • An attractive spouse
    • Domestic support
    • Admiration

For women:

    • Affection
    • Conversation
    • Honesty and openness
    • Financial support
    • Family commitment

Why do you need to know these?

We will often show love to someone based on how we receive love or how we like to give love. Women will show affection to their husband because they want affection. But for men, affection is connected or equal to sex (it isn’t that way for women). Katie shared on Sunday that a woman has to feel close to have sex and a man has sex to feel close. That’s an enormous difference.

Here’s what I’d encourage you to do if you’re married: Sit down with your spouse and have them list them in order of importance their emotional needs and then talk through how to meet those needs in your marriage. Don’t get defensive; listen to them.

If you’re single or dating, two things: Know yourself, how you are wired and how that impacts relationships you are in. Two, understanding what these are for the opposite sex helps you to know when you’re ready to get married. Too often we think we’re prepared to get married if we reach a specific financial place, we find someone who wants to marry us or we’re a certain age. While that matter, but there is more to marriage than that and deciding that you are ready and willing to serve another person and meet their needs is an essential but often overlooked aspect of that decision.

7 Powerful Lies we Believe about Sex & Intimacy

Every week in your church, the people sitting in the seats have longings and desires for their lives and relationships.

They want to feel more purpose, more connection and in each relationship they have, they are looking for closeness. Many times as pastors, we miss this and end up answering questions and speaking to struggles they don’t have.

When it comes to marriage and dating, they are looking for connection and intimacy. Intimacy doesn’t equal sex, which is an important distinction as we think about preaching.

They look to fill those in all kinds of ways that are destructive and ultimately leave them empty. That person at work they opened up to, the porn they looked at, the clothes they bought. All of these things were to feel connected, to feel close and it left them wanting more because it can’t satisfy that longing.

Our culture and the church have tried to step in and speak to this, but often the church and the culture end up telling lies about sexuality and intimacy.

3 Lies the Culture Tells us about Sex

The first lie our culture tells us about sex is that sex is just physical.

On the surface, this sounds right. After all, for many men, it seems like it is just physical. And yet, there is a closeness after sex that is hard to explain if sex is only physical. And we know this, we know that something more is going on.

This is why we struggle to tell our spouse about our sexual past and how many people we’ve slept with, we struggle to let go of the shame of abortion, sexual abuse or addiction. This is why whenever I meet with someone, and they ask me, “Can I tell you something I’ve never told anyone?” almost 100% of the time it is sexual.

Sex is powerful.

This is why Paul said in 1 Corinthians: Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.

One author said, “Chances are no one told you why the New Testament urges believers to reserve sex for marriage. Here’s a shocker — the why has nothing to do with disease or unwanted pregnancy. You may be interested to know that the Bible does not say the primary, much less the exclusive, purpose of sex is to make babies. Biblical authors do not condemn sexual pleasure. God’s not worried about us having too much fun. So why all the fuss? Why would Paul instruct his Christian audience to “flee” from immorality? Here’s why: All other sins a person commits . . . Sexual sin is like no other sin. Paul puts sexual sin in a category all by itself. “All other sins . . .” Here’s the second part: All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.”

Paul’s primary concern is not the physical consequences of sex.

Another author said Sexual sin is like no other sin because your sexuality bridges body and soul. Sex is a physical act that reaches beyond your physical body. Sexual sin is like no other sin because it cuts deeper than another sin. It leaves a more noticeable scar. When you sin sexually, you literally sin against your true self. Your soul self. To sin against yourself is essentially to betray and steal from yourself. Sexual sin robs you of your own future. Sexual sin undermines future intimacy. Sexual sin creates an obstacle to honesty. Sexual sin is the sin we will be most tempted to hide, the sin we will most likely try to smuggle into future relationships. Sexual sin eventually equates to self-inflicted pain.

Another lie is that sex is all about technique.

Here are a few technique ideas I saw recently on magazine covers at the grocery store 21 naughty sex tips, more sex than you can handle, 30 red hot sex secrets, the hot new sex app to tap into her desires, 60 sex tips you’ll both love, 4 sex moves that are forever 21.

And the craziest one: 102 ways to blow your own mind in bed. 102!!!

Now, technique matters.

But do you know what technique doesn’t give us? The exact thing we crave: connection and commitment. Even the baddest guy who claims not to want to settle down, do you know what he wants in his heart of hearts? Connection and commitment.

Technique tells us those things don’t matter so be a porn star in bed, drive him wild, drive her wild. And then we wonder, why am I not happier? Why am I not more fulfilled?

The other lie our culture tells us is that the most important thing about you is your sexuality.

This narrative has picked up with gay marriage. The identifying characteristic of who you are is now your sexuality, who you are in the bedroom.

With the rise of social media, more and more women feel like they need to post sexual videos and pictures to be noticed because men only want porn stars.

Do you see how we get into a mess if sex is just physical and the most important thing about you?

But unfortunately, the church isn’t any different.

A few years ago I came across an article called four lies the church told me about sex.

Any and all physical contact is like a gateway drug to sex.

Now, we know that a hug does not lead to sex and pregnancy.

The church says outside of marriage, you need to protect yourself sexually and that is well founded (and biblical) and many of us need to do a better job of that.

What this lie leads to is thinking that sex is dirty.

If you wait until you are married to have sex, God will reward you with mind-blowing sex and a magical wedding night.

I was told this again and again as a kid.

Do you know what you are guaranteed if you save sex for marriage? That you will fumble around and learn with someone that is committed to loving you forever.

Waiting to have sex till you are married will lead to many things, and they are good, but it won’t guarantee a mind-blowing wedding night.

The church says, “wait for it, wait for it. Say I do. Now do it!!!!”

Girls don’t care about sex.

This isn’t just a church thing, but all over blogs and magazines.

Men think they have to con or fight their wife to get sex. Women feel dirty if they talk about sex, think about sex or ask for advice from friends. If you are a woman and think about sex, desire sex, you aren’t a freak, you are human.

God created both men and women in the image of God, and he created us as sexual beings.

God not only created sex but also created our bodies too. Too many of us have grown up being told there is something wrong with our bodies and our desire. Now, we know in Genesis 3 that sin entered the world and tainted all of life and sex.

God created sex for our pleasure and his glory; Satan seeks to destroy it.

If you’re a parent, you need to help your kids understand their bodies and how they were created and why that is a good thing and God’s good plan for their bodies, their sex drives and what that means. Don’t be silent on this.

When you get married, you will be able to express yourself sexually without guilt and shame fully.

This lie has created a lot of pain and frustration.

Addictions, abuse, past sexual partners, all of these collide together in your marriage bed and create havoc.

Why write a post about lies?

Many of us are unaware of lies we believe about sex and intimacy.

We get our information from blogs and movies, romance novels, what our parents did or did not tell us or what our friends have told us.

If we aren’t careful, we end up believing the wrong things and we end up missing what God has for us and how He created us.

Three Powerful Things Great Husbands Do

Lists and books abound as to what a husband is supposed to be and do.

One of my struggles with many of them is that they don’t fit my personality. They talk about feelings a little too much and often make me feel less manly than I’d like to be.

Now, feelings matter, and if you ignore them, you will often find yourself in some situations and hurt that you could’ve avoided.

As I was preaching through the Song of Songs, I came across an interesting passage in chapter 2 that lays out what a husband does. Now, what is most interesting about this passage, it says what the woman loves about the man, which gives some insight for men into what their wife wants, needs and thinks:

Like an apricot tree among the trees of the forest,
so is my love among the young men.
I delight to sit in his shade,
and his fruit is sweet to my taste.
He brought me to the banquet hall,
and he looked on me with love.
Sustain me with raisins;
refresh me with apricots,
for I am lovesick.
May his left hand be under my head,
and his right arm embrace me. -Song of Songs 2:3 – 6

Did you catch that? She said three things he does that she loves and needs:

1. He is strong like a tree. There is a strength that a man brings to marriage that a woman does not. It is inborn in men. Now, this can be destructive as well, but when it is healthy, this is what a wife and family need in a man. This might be physical, but also emotional.

Can you as a husband handle the ups and downs of life? Can you handle the ups and downs of your wife?

A tree also provides shade and protection in the desert.

If you’re dating, do you feel protected by the guy you’re dating? If not, leave. Husbands, your wife should feel safe and protected by you and your strength.

Strength is also closely related to stability and security. One of the biggest, if not the biggest, needs of a woman is security. Yes, you should dream big and shoot for the stars in your work life, but you also need to bring stability to your family and marriage. Too many men bounce from job to job, idea to idea, always looking for the perfect boss, best idea, get rich scheme.

There are a time and place for this, but there is also a time and a place for stability and strength.

2. He makes life and marriage a delight.

Here’s a simple but difficult question for your marriage: Does your wife delight to sit in your shade? In your presence? Marriage and any relationship are either bringing joy and life or bringing sadness to our lives. There is very rarely a third direction.

Too many couples do not bring delight to each other. They stop working at it. They bring delight to other people and relationships, but the closest relationship in their life withers.

In Song of Songs 1, the woman describes their relationship as a vineyard blooming in the middle of the desert. Now, what do you think it takes to grow flowers in a desert? A lot. Life does not just happen in a desert, death does.

The same goes in marriage.

Life does not just happen, death does. Which means life, joy, and delight will take great care and an enormous amount of work.

What often happens in marriage is that we see what we want and if it doesn’t happen that way, we blame our spouse. And yes, they have some blame to carry, but what part did you play to leave life and delight out of your marriage?

Are you doing everything you can to delight in your spouse?

3. He looks on her with love. 

Men are more visual than women. Women also know when they have a man’s attention and when they don’t.

While there are sexual tones to this phrase, it isn’t all sexual.

Looking on someone with love is having care for them, for their opinion, thinking of them above yourself and others.

Your spouse should come first in your life. Before your parents, boss, friends, and kids. We often put others before our spouse because “they’ll understand” and that person needs me and “my spouse will always be there.” If we aren’t careful though, we can communicate to our spouse that they aren’t as important to us as they are.

Embracing Where Your Marriage Is

If you’ve been married any length of time, you’ve had this feeling of wishing your marriage was somewhere different. Maybe you want your spouse to have turned out differently than they are. Perhaps they have an annoying habit you thought they would grow out of, but they haven’t.

It might be an area that you wish would improve in your marriage: having better communication, a more exciting passionate sex life, dreaming together or at the very least being on the same page with your schedule and goals.

But you aren’t. It isn’t.

It is where it is.

Recently, I heard an illustration that helped me understand this.

There’s a story about when the British colonized India and the English people were trying to establish a Golf Course.

The problem was that there was Monkey’s that surrounded the golf course and whenever a golfer would take a swing, and the ball would land in the fairway; a monkey would run out, grab the ball and move it or throw it to another monkey.

This was very frustrating.

They tried putting up fences, moving the monkey, they tried capturing the monkeys, and nothing worked.

They couldn’t solve the problem, and so they made a rule for the course that said – ‘from now on we play the ball wherever the Monkey drops it.’

How does this apply to your marriage?

Your marriage isn’t where you thought it would be or wanted it to be. You or your spouse hasn’t turned out as you expected.

You can fight against that, get bitter and resentful; you could leave and be done with it (as a lot of people choose).


You can play the ball where the monkey drops it.

Meaning, this is where your marriage is, so move forward from there.

Moving towards a healthy marriage starts with embracing the reality of your marriage and where it is.

Can it change? Yes.

Can it grow? Yes.

But until you accept the reality of where you are, you won’t know what to change or how best to move forward.

What we Want and Fear in Every Relationship

What if I told you, in every relationship, there is one thing we all want.

One thing we all long for.

One thing we will do anything to get, and it is also the thing we are afraid of the most in relationships.

What is it?


Now, in our culture intimacy is always connected to sex or means sex.

And while intimacy sometimes involves sex, it is not equal to sex.

You can be intimate with people and not have sex, and you can have sex with someone and not be intimate.

One author said the vast majority of our intimate relationships have absolutely nothing to do with sex.

Intimacy is about connection. Intimacy is being known.

Dallas Willard said Intimacy is shared experience.

And this is why I say we long for it.

But we also fear it deeply.

We’re afraid of being hurt. Intimacy means being known by someone else. Katie knows me. She knows my strengths and weaknesses, my hopes and fears. She can use that knowledge to bond with me and come closer to me, or she can use it to shame, wound and betray me.

We also fear intimacy because it can set us up for disappointment and letdown.

We fear intimacy because we’ve been hurt. We’ve been divorced; our parents were divorced, the people closest to us walked out on us.

We fear intimacy because we don’t know how to trust. We don’t want to trust.

Maybe, you use intimacy as a weapon. You learn how to open up to people in an unhealthy way to get what you want, to get a connection.

John Ortberg said, When we experience intimacy, we can take whatever life throws at us. Without it, our greatest accomplishments ring hollow. 

How do you experience intimacy?

It is close. It can’t be coerced or forced.

It is letting go of pretense and opening ourselves up to hurt, but it is also opening ourselves up to experience love and life.

The same is true with God.

It doesn’t happen from a distance, it isn’t an afterthought, and it won’t settle with being second.

And don’t miss this: intimacy takes intentionality and a single focus.

In Song of Songs 1 – 2, we meet a couple just like any other couple that is struggling with this.

He is kind of the silent type, not as verbal (like most men).

She is scared and insecure about her looks.

So, she takes a step. She lets him know of her fear. And he responds.

He speaks directly to her insecurities, and slowly they find themselves closer.

They find themselves being intimate.

Now, they haven’t had sex, they’ve only created the connection we all long for in a relationship.

To be known, to be loved and for the other person to not walk away when they find out who we are.

So much so, that in chapter 2, we see the couple laying with each other in an embrace, her in the arms of the man, feeling completely safe and secure.

The woman speaks in verse 3 of chapter 2 and tells us what the man has done for her and why she feels so safe with him.

She says he is strong like a tree. This might be physical, but also emotional. He can handle the ups and downs of life; he can handle her ups and downs.

A tree also provides shade and protection in the desert. If you’re dating, do you feel protected by the guy you’re dating? If not, leave. Husbands, your wife should feel safe and protected by you and your strength.

Here’s a simple but difficult question for your marriage: does your wife delight to sit in your shade? In your presence? Now men, before you make an excuse why it’s her fault, why wouldn’t she want to anymore?

He looks on her with love. Does she know that you have eyes for her alone? And don’t tell me, I’m just looking like women are a menu in your life. When you get married, you have eyes for one; your “menu” has one item on it.

The lack of a single focus in any relationship is one of the biggest destroyers of intimacy. Without a single focus, the other person doesn’t feel as important, isn’t willing to give themselves, to let you in, you won’t let them in because you are still looking for another in greener pastures.

This couple has eyes only for each other and this single focus leads them to intimacy, to being known, to be safe with each other.