Many of you have asked what our time with our son was like while we were in Ethiopia. In 2 words: too short, but in actuality we spent everyday with him at the transition home, usually twice a day for a few hours in the morning and then for a few hours in the afternoon. Most of the time we were busy doing the different activities that we or another family brought to help create opportunities for bonding and occupying the time. We also spent some time with him in his classroom, watching him interact with the other children his age and just planting ourselves in his world. Here are a few pictures to show you what our time was like…
- Sidewalk chalk with Dad.
- Writing A’s with sidewalk chalk!
- Playground fun!
- More playground
- Happy about the toothbrush we brought him!
- Dad helping with beads.
- Feet!
- The look of concentration!
- More beads.
- Playground fun!
- Walking off the porch
- more beads with Dad!
- He LOVED a flap book of basic words that we brought for him.
- Tickle monster!
- Reading with Mom.
- Sweet face.
- Trying to blow bubbles and eat a sucker!
- Reading the tickle monster book with Dad.
- Stickers, stickers everywhere!
- He wasn’t that interested in coloring, but he wanted to hold as many crayons as possible.
- We had to tickle him to get him to smile for the camera!
- One of our last days together Mamush didn’t want to have anything to do with his class, he just wanted to play with a truck and Dad.
If you’d like to help us bring our son home and raise the $5,000 we still need for airfare, you can give a tax deductible gift here.