- What a whirlwind the last 2 weeks have been.
- I got to be at the Rethink Leadership conference in Atlanta and then at the Acts 29 West Conference in Reno.
- Still processing all that I learned.
- I love the large family that Acts 29 West has become.
- I got to teach in the 200-400 track at Acts 29 West.
- I love helping leaders who want to learn and grow.
- I got a ton out of the other 2 track leaders, Jim Applegate and Matt Kyser.
- Sunday night, Katie and I celebrated our birthdays with a bunch of friends.
- Our table was filled with people from our church and our crossfit box.
- That pretty much makes up our relational circles right now.
- Speaking of Sunday.
- Mother’s day at Revolution was a great day as we continue our series New in the book of Romans.
- We’re almost out of depressing parts of Romans.
- I keep reminding our church, the amazing parts of Romans, being set free don’t make sense without understanding sin and God’s wrath.
- Although, we like to skip that part.
- Katie is going to Chicago this week to take pictures of our good friends who are adopting from the Congo and their girls are finally coming home.
- It’s going to be such a sweet moment.
- Say a prayer for them and me, as I get to single parent it!
- I see a lot of video games and pizza in our future.
- I got to host a podcast episode for I4JLive today and looking at pastoral burnout yesterday.
- The conversation went in a direction I didn’t expect and it was incredibly helpful.
- I got a lot out of it personally.
- It should be out soon, so stay tuned.
- I’m blown away that it is almost summer.
- I’m definitely looking forward to a different pace at Revolution.
- It’s coming at the right time.
- Read 2 fantastic books on my plane rides over the last 2 weeks: Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal and The Truth About Employee Engagement: A Fable About Addressing the Three Root Causes of Job Misery.
- Both were excellent.
- Well, time to get back to sermon prep…