- I’m currently putting together the plans for our family to take an RV trip next summer.
- This sounds both exciting and terrifying at the same time.
- The idea of seeing the beauty of the western US sounds amazing.
- The idea of being in an RV for more than a week with 5 kids, still has me unsure.
- But, it’s all about memories and experiences.
- Right?
- I’ve really been enjoying our new series More.
- I got to unpack how to make your life count this past Sunday.
- Easily one of my favorite topics.
- You can watch or listen to it here if you missed it.
- I’ve gotten so many emails about the blog I wrote yesterday on Shame and Leadership.
- So sad, but not surprising, the shame that many pastors carry around with them.
- Started reading a new book series for fun, The Last Kingdom (The Saxon Chronicles Series #1).
- Really interesting.
- I think pastors need to be reading more novels.
- We’re starting our kids in wrestling tonight.
- We’ll see how it goes.
- Our boys are definitely excited about it.
- The age of our kids, we have to figure out how to channel their energy somewhere.
- Wrestling seems like a good start and they can do it all together.
- Exciting times in the Reich house.
- We’re getting ready to have a full on blitz of family visiting before the holidays.
- For the next 4 weeks, we have some family in town each weekend.
- Should be fun.
- Time to get back at it…