10 Characteristics Of Churches That Grow & 7 Other Posts You Should Read this Weekend


Each Friday I share some posts that I’ve come across in the last week. They range in topics and sources but they are all things I’ve found interesting or helpful that I hope will be interesting and helpful to you. Here are 8 posts I came across this week that challenged my thinking or helped me as a leader, pastor, husband and father:

  1. 4 Things Leaders Should Be Thinking But Many Aren’t by Brian Dodd
  2. Epidemic: On The Creeping Hollow Within a Pastor’s Soul by Carey Neiuwhof
  3. 8 Reasons Pastoral Tenure Matters by Chuck Lawless
  4. Why More People Don’t Meet Jesus At Your Church by Paul Alexander
  5. 10 Characteristics Of Churches That Grow by Brandon Kelley
  6. Why Senior Pastors Should Quit Social Media (or, what Cal Newport can teach us about sermon writing) by Brian Jones
  7. How the Enneagram Can Help You Become a Better Leader by Michael Hyatt
  8. 4 Common Church Staff Issues by Shawn Lovejoy