- Felt so good to be back in a normal routine of Sunday morning at Revolution.
- We didn’t meet on December 25th and January 1st.
- The break was great for our family and I heard the same thing from many people in our church.
- Each year we take off the Sunday between Christmas and New Years.
- I know it made Sunday feel more special (in a weird way).
- Tons of guests as we kicked off Mr. and Mrs. Better Half.
- If you missed it, you can watch it here.
- We had so many guests this past Sunday.
- So exciting to have Revolutionaries bringing their friends up to introduce me to them.
- Love the inviting culture we have at our church.
- We’ve done a lot of marriage series at Revolution in the 8 years of our church, but this one feels really different from the ones before.
- I don’t know if it is because Katie and I are older now or because we’ve grown more in the last year than almost any other time in our marriage.
- Got to enjoy the second half of my Steelers giving the Dolphins a beat down on Sunday.
- It’s the best kind of playoff game, the one that is not stressful.
- I’m not expecting that at all this week.
- The Chiefs are going to be a hard out.
- But I feel good about it.
- I finished reading The Soul of Shame: Retelling the Stories We Believe About Ourselves today.
- Wow.
- I’m not even sure how best to describe this book.
- I don’t know that I would say I struggle with shame or have a lot of feelings of shame, but was blown away to see how much shame can define my life.
- It was really eye opening.
- I’m really excited for this Sunday because Katie and I are teaching about one of the biggest lessons we’ve learned in marriage.
- It’s one of the most important things we’ll ever talk about because of how big of a deal it is.
- Watching the college football playoff last night was fun.
- I love football so any time there’s a good game on, I’m in.
- Lats night did not disappoint.
- Unless you root for Bama.
- Then…
- Finished my cover up tattoo last Friday.
- It hurt a whole lot more than a tattoo.
- I know were in the middle of our marriage series, but I’m starting to work on our next series in the book of Psalms called Pray.
- Really excited to dive into Psalms for 8 weeks and look at 8 different Psalms.
- So much in there that I think it will be great to dive in.
- I’m thinking we might do a short series on Psalms each year as a church until we’ve preached through all of them.