As a parent, you feel a lot of pressure.
Who your kids hang out with, their grades, future, safety, good choices, the list goes on and on.
One of the things that parents fail to realize is the power they have in their kid’s lives for good or bad.
I’ve talked before about how we are all vision casters in people’s lives, but that is seen most clearly in the lives of our kids.
Recently, I was reminded of this when I was preaching on Nehemiah chapter 3.
Nehemiah 3 is a list of names, but in those names, we learn some incredibly important things.
Nehemiah 3 lists the number of people who worked on rebuilding the city wall of Jerusalem.
What we know from the New Testament is that our work matters and that it is a reflection of our worship of God.
What does this have to do with parenting?
A lot.
Our kids learn things from us because we intentionally taught them or we passively taught them something.
In Nehemiah 3, we’re told that families worked together on the wall.
If work = worship, this is crucial for families.
We pass on to our kids how to work and how to worship Jesus.
In your family, do not miss the power of worshiping together.
Singing songs together, reading your bible with your kids, your spouse. Having them in church, in our kids and student ministries, serving, using their gifts, and sitting in the service.
Recently I’ve talked to a number of church planters of young churches and hear the same thing: Parents of teenagers dropping their kids off at the young church plant and then the parents go to an older established church. I do not understand parents and kids worshiping at two completely different churches.
Parents don’t miss this, you are teaching your kids an incredibly important lesson about what you think about worship, Jesus, church, and your selfishness when you worship at different churches. They aren’t missing it.
Another thing I’ll hear from parents is a different issue: but I don’t want to push God down my kid’s throat, they aren’t that interested. Which I get.
Think for a moment, do your kids love every vegetable you make them eat? If they’re like mine they don’t, but I make them eat them. I make them try food they don’t like or aren’t excited about because it’s healthy for them or I made it for them and I’m not making a bunch of different meals. You probably do the same thing and never once do you think, “I’ll bet they’ll never eat again because I’m forcing them to eat something they hate.”
Does your child love all the homework they have to do? Math? Reading? Science? Learning a language? Yet, you make them and you don’t think, “they’ll drop out of school because I made them do their homework when they were in middle school.”
Why do we treat worship and Jesus differently?
In your family, do not underestimate the power of your words and the vision you cast for those closest to you.
You as the parent spend more time with your kids than anyone and every study says you have more influence on your kids than social media, friends, marketing, and TV shows. Stop wasting it. It’s not our kids and student ministries job to grow your child spiritually, it’s yours. We’re here to help. Just like it isn’t my job to grow you spiritually. If the only time you open your bible and feed on the truths of God is with me on Sunday morning, you’ll starve.