Relaunching Your Church


As churches across America (and the world) begin to regather and move towards a hybrid model, pastors & teams try to figure out what that looks like. The difficulty for churches is that this crisis sped up the trends that were already unfolding in faith and church culture.

In many ways, this reminds me a lot of what it was like to plant a church. You don’t know how many people will come back, who will come back, or even what it will look like when they show up. The nervousness a church planter feels as he leads his team to set up and tear down, pass out invite cards, and spread the word, describes a lot of what pastors are feeling right now. What makes this even more complicated, though, is how weary pastors are right now.

Before we get to the ideas and questions, pastors, please care for your soul. Take the time to refill your own heart so that you can lead with your whole self. Take some time to mourn the losses that you have experienced personally and as a leader in this season. Don’t just rush into things, but make sure you take time to breathe.

So, as you regather and move into a new normal, here are some ideas and questions to be asking:

1. Who are we trying to reach? This is church 101, but it is easy to forget. Many churches say they are trying to reach everyone, which is true, but we reach a particular person along the way. Some churches proclaim loudly who they are trying to reach, and others are more subtle about it. That is a leadership perspective, but the point is, your team needs to know who you are best suited to reach as a church.

This becomes even more important as church changes into this hybrid world of digital and physical, and resources are stretched, and staff roles are reallocated.

Here are a few reasons this matters:

  • As you communicate as a church through email, stories, social media, video content, etc. Your target determines what is in those communication pieces. If it is young families, you will highlight kids and student content. If it is empty-nesters, that will change.
  • Your target can also determine which platforms you spend more time on and focus on. Different age groups use different platforms for content and connecting.
  • It will determine your teaching calendar and video content and how you deliver that content.
  • Your target, their political leanings, and worldview (what matters to them in covid and a post-covid world) could have an impact on when you reopen and what that looks like.

2. Clarify your engagement and formation pathways. This idea came from the book Intentional Churches: How Implementing an Operating System Clarifies Vision, Improves Decision-Making, and Stimulates Growth; in it, the authors make the point that a church’s engagement pathway is different from its formation or discipleship pathway.

Yes, these pathways are deeply connected, but in this new world, we must clarify these.

Think for a moment; what do you do as a church that engages people? Where people engage with your church? You can list those things out. While some of those things form people, many of them are simply about engaging with them. That’s okay. Clarify that as a team.

In many churches, we have taken all of these paths and made them one thing. In a digital or hybrid world, I think it has revealed for some churches that it either doesn’t work or is very confusing.

3. How do you truly form people? Spiritual formation & discipleship have always been important, but it is becoming more important in this new world. As one pastor recently pointed out, one of the big shifts in the future is from attendance and buildings to engagement and formation.  One thing that covid has shown us is that many churches have not formed their people well.

To form your people, you must clarify what a follower of Jesus is being formed in the way of Jesus looks like and then move towards that. Rich Villodas’s new book The Deeply Formed Life: Five Transformative Values to Root Us in the Way of Jesus is a great picture of what that might look like for churches moving forward. 

4. What things do you need to start or stop doing? This is a transition point in our world and a great opportunity to ask, based on where we are and where we are headed, to ask what you need to start doing or stop doing.

Everything you did as a church pre-covid doesn’t need to continue. A disruption like we have experienced is a great opportunity to ask what is next, what is working, what is not working, what is not clear for your church, and then move forward.

In the end, this moment is a great opportunity to dream as a leader, to ask God what is next, and to forge a new or renewed path as a church.

The Heart of Christ for You and Me

One of my favorite books I read this year was Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers by Dane Ortlund. The whole book oozes with gospel goodness. I read it during a tough season (hello 2020!) and found myself so encouraged by it and drawn to a deeper view of who God is and his heart for me. 

If you haven’t already, you should read the book.

If you’re still on the fence or need some encouragement today, here are my 16 favorite quotes from the book:

  1. The posture most natural to Jesus is not a pointed finger but open arms.
  2. Matthew 11:28 tells us explicitly who qualifies for fellowship with Jesus: “all who labor and are heavy laden.” You don’t need to unburden or collect yourself and then come to Jesus. Your very burden is what qualifies you to come.
  3. If we are asked to say only one thing about who Jesus is, we would be honoring Jesus’s own teaching if our answer is gentle and lowly.
  4. What elicits tenderness from Jesus is not the severity of the sin but whether the sinner comes to him.
  5. In the biblical gospel, we are not given a thing; we are given a person.
  6. When we sin, the very heart of Christ is drawn out to us.
  7. Seeing God’s greatness is not our deepest need, but seeing his goodness.
  8. When we come to Christ, we are startled by the beauty of his welcoming heart. The surprise is itself what draws us in.
  9. In Jesus Christ, we are given a friend who will always enjoy rather than refuse our presence.
  10. The Spirit causes us actually to feel Christ’s heart for us.
  11. The label “Father of mercies” is the Bible’s way of taking us into the deepest recesses of who God the Father is.
  12. We tend to project our natural expectations about who God is onto him instead of fighting to let the Bible surprise us into what God himself says.
  13. Repent of your small thoughts of God’s heart. Repent and let him love you.
  14. God is not poor in mercy. He is rich in mercy.
  15. Nowhere else in the Bible is God described as rich in anything. The only thing he is called rich in is mercy. What does this mean? It means that God is something other than what we naturally believe him to be. It means the Christian life is a lifelong shedding of tepid thoughts of the goodness of God.
  16. There are two ways to live the Christian life. You can live it either for the heart of Christ or from the heart of Christ. You can live for the smile of God or from it.

Three Things to do Right Now to Strengthen Your Church

Leading right now isn’t easy as leaders everywhere are trying to figure out what is coming next.

But if we aren’t careful, we will waste a crucial opportunity and moment right in front of us.

Yes, we need to pivot and make decisions to keep moving forward today, but this is a great opportunity to take a look under your church’s hood so that you come out of Covid stronger than when you went into this pandemic.

How do you do that?

By working on your church, not just in your church.

At my church, we have talked about three simple ideas. Three simple words to do this:

Simplify. Back when churches began pivoting to online, I saw Warren Bird say on twitter, “Insight: church leaders have a window of “permission” to make changes they’ve wanted to make for years. Example: Looking for an excuse to re-organize a ministry? Plan it now, and then roll it out when we’re able to meet again.” Right now, you have scaled back your ministries. You are doing less in your student ministry, kids ministry, small groups, classes, etc.

Here are some questions to ask with your team:

  • The things we cut out, do we need them? Did they actually add the value that we thought they did?
  • Does what we do, does it produce the kind of disciples and leaders we want to produce?
  • Do we have the staff to do the things we used to do?

When your church regathers, it should not go back to business as usual and do what it used to do.

Rebuild. Many of your staff and ministries might be exhausted, run-down, not at full capacity. You may need to hire some people or develop new leaders for the future.

Here are some questions to ask:

  • Are our tanks empty or full?
  • How are we doing spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and relationally? What can we do to improve those?
  • What ministries need to be rebuilt?
  • What ministries and processes need to be retooled or added to for the future?

Digitize. The digital church has been growing across America and the world for several years, but this crisis has sped it up. The digital church isn’t going away, so you must figure out what part it will play in your ministry as a church. These questions have enormous implications and are not simply philosophical but also theological.

Here are a few questions to work through with your team:

  • What part will the digital church play for us?
  • Is the digital church a front door to Sunday morning?
  • Are we physical locations with a digital church, or are we a digital church with physical locations?
  • Do we provide a digital option for every physical option? If not, what do we need to provide a digital option for?
  • What staff do we need to provide more digital options?

This is a crucial moment for churches, not just in terms of changing what we do, but in coming out of this healthier and stronger than when it started back in March.

Don’t waste the opportunity in front of you!

The Gift Leaders Give to Their Teams

I’ve worked as a lead pastor, church planter, campus pastor, and student pastor. I’ve sat on both sides of the leadership world, and what’s interesting is what people long for.

When you work for someone, you want many things, but one thing above all begins to rise to the top. When you attend a church, you want many things from its leaders, but one thing rises to the top.

This current world of covid, our political climate, the tensions around systemic racism has only heightened this desire from people.

What is it?


Clarity is one of the greatest gifts you can give your church.

The people who attend your church, the volunteers, the staff on your team, they want to know where they are going. They want to know where you are taking them. They want to see what you believe and why you believe it. When someone follows someone, they are putting their future hopes on the line with that person.

Why would that matter so much?

Clarity says this is where we are going. This is what is essential now. This is right; that is wrong. It helps everyone to know what they should or should not spend their time on, what the church should spend its money and resources on.

Years and years ago, Howard Hendricks said, “If it’s a mist in the pulpit, it’s a fog in the pew.”

That isn’t just about preaching, but so much more.

If a sermon isn’t clear, no one will get what you are talking about. If you don’t have a clear main point, application steps, people will feel lost.

But right now, it has become even more important for churches and leaders to be clear.

Are you having in-person worship gatherings? Why or why not? How long will you wait? What will make you return to in-person worship gatherings?

The reason this matters is it tells your teams what they should be working on. It also gives everyone a measuring stick that moves them out of their political opinions.

For example, many churches came out in March when they stopped meeting in person to say, “We aren’t doing any camps this summer.” That’s clear. It tells your church what you are focusing on. It shows your staff what they should or should not work on. Did those churches get angry emails? Yes. But they were clear.

Recently, Andy Stanley said that North Point wouldn’t have in-person worship gatherings until 2021. Right? Who knows. Clear? Yes.

One of the most deflating things that can happen on a team is for the leader to change the win mid-stream. It makes the team wonder, why did we work so hard if we aren’t going to go there? It also makes it difficult to know whether or not to throw everything behind a leader the next time he or she says, “This is the hill we’re climbing.” If your team has felt a lack of clarity in the past, they will wonder how much effort to give the next time you say something.

What keeps leaders from clarity?

For some, it is fear. It is easier to hedge your bets, wait to take a stand. But while you wait, you also miss opportunities. You also run the risk of your team, wasting effort on things that will never happen.

One thing that sneaks up on leaders is when it is clear to them, but no one else. Leaders must continuously ask their teams, “Is this clear?” That becomes monotonous to a leader, so they often don’t do it. They settle for the thinking, “Because it is clear in my head, it is clear to everyone,” and this is an invisible killer for leaders.

1 Leadership Lesson I Wish I Learned Sooner

Recently, I was talking to a brand new church planter. He was excited, anticipating what lay ahead for him.

He asked me, “What is one thing you know now that you wished you would’ve known when you first planted a church?”

I had to think. There are lots of things I wish I would’ve known. I wish I would’ve taken to heart rhythms and pace personally. That I would’ve poured more into my soul than leadership insight, that I would’ve put more emphasis on individual conversations instead of big numbers.

After a minute, I said, “I wish I would’ve understood that when it looks like nothing is happening, that something is happening.”

I grew up in a farming community, and farmers understand that there are seasons to their planting and crops. There is a season of clearing away branches, dirt, and weeds. There is a season of prepping the soil. There is a season of planting, watering, fertilizing. There is a season of harvesting the crops and selling those crops, enjoying the harvest.

Then there is a season where the dirt sits.

I didn’t understand or appreciate the season where the dirt sits. I pushed and pushed so that ministry was a constant pursuit of up and to the right.

This is true in the church, church planting, leadership, and relationships.

There is a season in a marriage where you are digging in, working on emotional health, navigating your family of origin stories, and trying to move forward. This is uncomfortable work, but necessary for a marriage to fully bloom.

In leadership, you must spend seasons working on your character, who you are, and who you are becoming so that when you get there, you have the integrity to sustain the work.

In a team, you must spend the seasons growing together, learning how to work together so that you can work together when the storms hit your group and organization.

We all love the planting season, the growing season, the watching new things take off, but for those to happen, we must have the seasons where the dirt rests. You, as a leader, must have the seasons where you rest, so you are prepared for the hard seasons ahead.

What Will Ministry in a Post-Covid World Look Like?

The other day, I was on a Zoom call with a bunch of pastors, and we were talking about what is working and not working in this new world. As the call went on, we started to discuss what will come next for churches.

The world is different today than it was in January. And while some think once everything opens up, life will return as it was, I don’t believe that. Yes, some things will go back to “normal,” but the world will be different, and consequently, the church will be and look different than it did in 2019.

That is exciting and scary all at the same time.

So, as I processed that call, I wrote down some questions I think churches and leaders need to think through:

How long will it take people to come back to church?

I’m finding there are two schools of thought on this: one group says that the moment churches are allowed to meet, everyone will flock back and fill up the room. The other side thinks people will be timid and come back slowly.

Who’s right? I have no idea. Only time will tell.

I fall into the camp that says people will come back slowly. I think there will be people who are there week one a church is back open, but also people will stay home and continue to watch online. Not only because of ease but also because of fear. And while some will say there shouldn’t be fear, there is. The job of the leader is not to wish a new reality, but to face reality and lead through it.

People may come running back to church; they may go back slowly. Will parents send their kids to school once they open, or will more parents homeschool next year? The answers to those questions will have an enormous impact on how ministry is done moving forward.

After watching church online, how will that change the way people view video teaching?

If you’ve been around church circles for the last decade, the debate around video teaching and whether or not online church counts has raged.

I think that after spending months watching church online and watching their pastor on a video will have an impact on how people connect with church and teaching in a post-covid world. What is that impact? Right now, it is hard to say, but I think the idea of watching a pastor on video won’t be as weird as many once thought it was.

Yes, people will still want to be in a room with a pastor, but will this change how they consume teaching?

How will this change people’s view of leadership and their confidence in leadership?

We live in a polarizing political world. Just look at social media, and you will see people throwing stones left and right. Regardless of your political view, most of us assume the other side is lying, not leading well, getting in the way, etc.

How do you lead in this world?

For those who feel like the government hasn’t done an excellent job in this crisis, have they lost confidence in leaders and leadership? How will that affect pastors moving forward?

If the government says, “you can gather with 100 or 200 people,” what does that look like for worship gatherings?

There is a chance that things will open up, but there are limited to the number of people who can gather. For smaller churches or campuses, this might not be a problem, but for larger churches, this could change things.

Do you pivot and do smaller gatherings and do them more often? On different days? Do you go to the venue route and have different styles of worship? What about teaching in those spaces?

Have we built a strong enough leadership pipeline?

Many churches are using more and more staff to do things right now because of safety and guidelines, but when churches are back together physically, the finances will be different than they were before. At that moment, as churches are rebuilding, the strength of your leadership pipeline will be seen.

The view of this crisis also seems to have different viewpoints, and most of that is seen through age. Many people over 45 view this differently than those under 45. How much of a voice does the under 45 crowds have in your leadership meetings right now? As you move forward?

How will this change how we do community?

One thing that will change through this is community and how we do groups. Yes, people will return to meeting in people’s homes for groups, but I think more people will see the value in an online group and want to do that.

I think we are also being reminded about how important community and presence is to our lives. We once took a hug from a friend for granted or sitting with someone and laughing over a cup of coffee. I don’t think we’ll take that for granted anymore.

How has this changed our view of life and death?

I’ve heard it said that by the end of this, everyone in the world would know someone who has died from this. I’ve already lost someone from covid-19. How does that change how we think about life, what is essential, and what we go after in terms of goals and priorities? What about death and what happens after death? Do we now view those differently? Do we focus on those a little more than we used to? Does that close us off and make us more callous towards life?

I don’t know for sure, but I think we’ll look at life and death differently.

The world is different and changing rapidly. This has always been the case, but it feels like it is overdrive right now.

And no, the world, school, work, and church will not go back to the way that it was before. Some things will return to what they are, but the vast majority of things will be different.

For leaders, this isn’t necessarily a good or bad thing, but just a thing.

The True Cost of Ministry

Picture this, your church just pulled off a big event, and you are sitting in a room evaluating it and deciding if it was a success.

The answers are often dependent on how excited you were before the event and during it — the number of people who attended, people who became Christians, or how you experienced the event.

Then someone asks, “Do we do this again next year?”

Now, if you are smart, you would stop the conversation at this point.

Churches are notorious for throwing money after things they’ve done before or something that someone else started without asking if it is worthwhile.

Most of the time, the question of worth boils down to the budget number on that white sheet of paper.

But what most elder teams and staffs miss is that the cost of an event or ministry is not just what is on that piece of paper. It includes that, but it is much more than that.

Here are a few questions you should ask as you evaluate an event or ministry:

How much did we pay staff to be there? When churches think about events, outreach, Christmas Eve, etc. they rarely factor in what they pay the team for the event. But this is a cost. Take whatever last big event your church did, add up all the staff hours, and what those staff members get paid per hour. That is a cost to your church for that event or ministry.

Now, it might be worth it.

But as a smart leader, you have to calculate that.

Let me throw another example out. Think back to the last meeting you had at your church. How many staff members attended? How much do they get paid per hour? Was that meeting worth what your church spent to have those staff members there? Did anyone check their email during the meeting? Social media?

What we pay staff members to do is a direct reflection of how we view stewardship as a church.

How many volunteer hours were spent on something? When it comes to a significant event or outreach at any church, hundreds and possibly thousands of volunteer hours will be taken up.

Those volunteer hours are hours that will not be spent on something else.

So, how can you make sure you don’t waste them? How do you make sure that it is worth it?

Many times, we don’t ask these questions; we plan an event and throw out the call for volunteers.

But why would they want to attend and help out? You must make sure that you attach a strong vision for something and make sure everyone knows why you are doing something.

What didn’t get done or got pushed back because of this event? No matter how amazing your staff is, when you pull off a big event or outreach, something won’t get done. That might be in terms of songs written, videos made, graphics produced, lessons, recruiting, or training might fall by the wayside.

Just like everything else on this list, that isn’t a bad thing — just something you have to factor in.

As best as you can, before hitting the yes button on something, try to list out what might get sacrificed because of something. Will there be an area of ministry that will suffer because of what you are trying to pull off? The reality is that something will fall off, but you have to factor that into the cost of something.

What was the wear and tear in terms of energy? One thing churches rarely ask is, “Is this the right season to do this?”

Churches fall into the trap of “we did this last year, so we have to do this again this year.” But what if you don’t have the bandwidth, energy, finances? Some years you can take a year off from something. There were times that Jesus walked away from the crowds and times that he walked into them. Both are acceptable and right at the right moment.

But just because you did something last year does not mean you need to do it this year.

Are you launching a campus? A new service? Did you hire several new staff members? What is the burnout rate of your team?

Remember, when you did it the first time or last time, that was a different season. Just like a family must continuously ask if now is the right season for this, so does a church.

Questions Leaders Need to Ask More Often

Recently, I’ve sat in several meetings or talked with different leaders, and the same situation has been repeating itself.

Imagine this scenario.

A team or church feels like they need to hire someone or add someone to the team, so they start brainstorming ideas. Who can we add? Names begin to get thrown out, and all of a sudden, the group begins to move people up and down the list of possibilities.

It might be a church that is trying to grow or move the needle in a ministry. People begin to share what they think is the problem or how can they fix that problem or what they believe the church should do that they aren’t doing.

In each of these situations, one of the critical things leaders miss is a crucial question.

What are we missing?

Who are we missing?

Too often, leaders assume they have what they need or need more of the same.

I sat in a meeting recently, and we were discussing adding someone else to the team. So we didn’t lose the energy around the idea, people started to share names of people who could serve alongside us. This isn’t necessarily wrong or a bad idea. But what struck me was that we weren’t sure who we would add or why, just that we wanted to. I asked everyone to take a step back and answer this question: Who are we missing? What perspective do we not have?

I think when people hire a team, they often overlook this. Many leaders, because they like people like them, hire and look for people like them. If you’re a visionary, driven leader like I am, you tend not to want people around who ask “why” questions. They feel like a stick in the mud or at least seem to be holding you back. But they might be the leader you need to move forward or protect you from a poor decision.

When leaders make a decision, whether financial, hiring, starting, or stopping a ministry, they don’t ask enough, “What are we missing?” What data don’t we have that we need? What data are we overlooking that we need to look harder at?

The reason is that many leaders are tasked with finding the answers. People come to us because we have a history of knowing the answers and who wants to follow someone who doesn’t know? At least that is what we think.

But when someone says, “This doesn’t make sense,” we shouldn’t shut them down or stop listening to them. We might be missing something that they see.

Because, the longer we are on a team, in a company or a church, the more we get used to things. It’s like when you move into a house, you immediately see things that are out of place, paint that isn’t bright or carpet that needs replacing. Over time though, you stop noticing. You work around that drawer that sticks and that outlet that doesn’t work all the time.

Leaders need those fresh eyes, just like when someone comes over and asks, “When are you going to fix that drawer?” We need to engage when someone tells us something isn’t clear, to complicated, or not hitting on all cylinders.

Otherwise, we might miss the right person for our team or the correct data that we need to excel in.

Pantano Southeast Campus

A lot of new things have been happening in my life.

On September 8, we announced that Revolution would be joining Pantano Christian Church and become Pantano Church – Southeast Campus.

It has been a wild ride since April when this conversation began between myself and Glen Elliott, the lead pastor of Pantano.

And yesterday, we announced this step at Pantano and challenged people to move from the East Campus and attend and serve at our campus as we prepare to launch on January 5, 2020.

The response was overwhelming. Every day I am reminded of God’s hand at work through this entire process, dating back a decade when Glen and I met. It is one of those times when I shake my head and think, “only God.”

Here is the announcement from yesterday at Pantano.

If you have questions or would like information about serving at Pantano Southeast, you can go here.

Here are a few things you can be praying for:

  • The people of Revolution as they continue to put the Kingdom First to reach more people for Jesus.
  • For people who are moving from Pantano East to jump in and start serving from day one. We had over 60 families sign up yesterday at Pantano East who signed up to move to our campus and serve and/or attend.
  • That our team would have wisdom as we walk with people through this change and help two churches become one church in multiple locations.

These are exhilarating days. Every day I am blown away by what God is doing. For me, I have always wanted and prayed about being a part of something that can only be explained by God, and this feels like it. I’m savoring every moment of this ride and trying to keep up with how fast God is moving.

What You Miss when You Skip Church

People skip church for all kinds of reasons. You wake up Sunday morning, and you’re tired, the kids are sick or cranky, your kid is on a sports team, you have work or errands to do.

The list goes on.

One of my favorite reasons given to me for why people skip church is: I didn’t think the message applied to me.

I’ve heard this a bunch of times on a host of different topics.

What lays underneath this are two important, and powerful lies.

The first, there are parts of the Bible that do not apply to me.

Now, this person wouldn’t say this outright. They would probably say that the Bible is God’s word and inspired. They would even say it is applicable. But when we say, “I won’t go to church today because I don’t think the topic (giving, evangelism, community, marriage, sex) applies to me and where I am.

Does it apply to them as much as the person next to them? Maybe not. But it shows what we think of the Bible when we say that. It puts us over the Bible and God when we say, “God, there’s a page in here that I don’t need to know about, it isn’t relevant to my life.”

Now again, when this person says I’m not coming to church, for this reason, they wouldn’t tell you this, but this is what they are saying.

The second, my presence at church doesn’t matter.

The church is a body, community, a family. When one is missing, an important piece is missing.

In our digital age, we have lost the power of our presence in people’s lives, and we’ve lost the power of their presence in our lives.

Whenever we skip church, we are saying, “There isn’t anyone at church who will need me to be there, and I don’t need any of those people today.”

Both are strong ideas, but they also tell us something.

The reality is, we can’t make it throughout the week without a community encouraging us forward. We need people to challenge us, help us change, support and inspire us, and help propel us forward. Even if that is only through a smile, a hug or a nod.

We’ve grown so accustomed in our life to thinking every experience has to be about us or an immediate benefit to us. Often, we don’t see the most significant things in our life until later. We also, don’t know what we do for other people til down the road.

Our presence in people’s lives is the same.

So yes, you won’t go to hell if you skip church.

But you will miss something powerful in your life. And so will your church.