My Notes from Juliet Funt “How to Create Whitespace at Work” @ the Leadership Summit

I’m at the leadership summit with the team from Revolution Church. This is by far the best leadership conference of the year. This is my 14th summit and every year, God stretches me and challenges me. So much wisdom and inspiration wrapped up into two days. I always blog my notes, so if you can’t attend or missed something, I’ve got you covered.

Here are some takeaways from session 5 with Juliet Funt, CEO of Whitespace at Work:

  • All of us are getting less and less comfortable with silence and the pause. The moments that are not filled.
  • This loss of time without assignment has a great cost to our businesses and lives.
  • If we work in insane ways and busywork, we see the waste in our companies.
  • Our companies waste $1 million per 50 people.
  • Whitespace is a strategic pause taken between activities.
  • Whitespace is to be recuperative to recharge your mind and body.
  • A pause brings insight, introspection and creativity to your brains.
  • Great leaders naturally use whitespace.
  • Don’t rush the cooking of a great idea.
  • Whitespace is not meditation.
  • Whitespace is not mindfulness.
  • Whitespace has no rules, no goals. It is a boundary-less freedom where your mind can play and improvise.
  • In whitespace, we think the unthought though.
  • A diabolical aspect of busyness is that it feels like our fault.
  • 4 main drivers of overload: drive, excellence, information and activity.
  • To have whitespace, you must determine how you will use drive, excellence, information and activity.
  • Any space you have, it will be filled. You must install filters to take control of the whitespace.

Whitespace questions:

  • Is there anything I can let go of?
  • Where is “good enough”, good enough?
  • What do I truly need to know?
  • What deserves my attention?