Friday Five

Each week, I’m on the lookout for new books, recipes, podcasts, blogs, and other exciting things.

So I’m sharing my five favorite things (with 2 extra!) you should check out this weekend. I got this idea from a recent podcast I listened to and will do my best to keep it up.

If you don’t attend Revolution Church, you may not know that we are in the middle of a series called #RelationshipGoals. This past Sunday, I talked about what a woman wants and what a man should be that you can watch here. If you’re looking for a book that might help you with this, Katie and I would recommend checking out Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs by Emerson Eggerichs.

Here you go:

Favorite book: This past week I read Gridiron Genius and loved it. I’m a huge fan of football and leadership, and this book had so much of both. This book was a fun read. I’ll be sharing more thoughts on this book and applications for churches and pastors soon, so stay tuned.

A second one I’ll throw out is Erwin McManus’s new book The Way of the Warrior came out this week. I got to read an advanced copy last month and loved it: such a good and needed book in our culture.

Favorite podcast: I listen to a lot of podcasts, but this week I got caught up on Craig Groeschel’s and listened to his interview with Chip Heath, who wrote The Power of MomentsThe podcast has so many applications for pastors, leaders, business owners and parents about how to create powerful moments in everyday life.

Favorite blog posts:

Why Showing Kindness to Your Spouse Matters to Your Kids from Parent Cue. As I mentioned before, I’m in the middle of a marriage series, and it is incredible to me how mean spouses can be towards each other. How you treat your spouse has an enormous impact on your kids and your family and what it is like in your home.

Why Every Leader Needs Friends by Michael Hyatt, as a leader, it can be lonely, but it doesn’t have to be. This weekend, I’m hanging out in Boulder, CO with another Acts 29 church with leaders who have become friends and mentors to me.

Let me share two bonus ones:

10 Things You Should Know about Shame and Guilt by Sam Storms. This is such a powerful blog post.

Story Cards from North Point. We use these as a church in Starting Point and to kick off all of our small groups. These are incredibly powerful and helpful.