2019 Leadership Summit – 19 Quotes from Craig Groeschel

Every year, my team and I attend the leadership summit and it is always refreshing, challenging and recharging for me. Easily the best leadership material in a conference that is out there. I try to share some of the highlights I took from each session.

Here are some thoughts from the session with Craig Groeschel:

  • Everyone has influence.
  • How you lead others matters more than you can possibly imagine.
  • The assumption leaders make is that better costs more. We assume that investing more will bring a better return. Investing more over time often brings a diminishing return.
  • More does not always mean better.
  • The key is to look for the greatest level of return based on time, money and resources invested.
  • GETMO stands for good enough to move on.
  • Perfection is often the enemy of progress.
  • Excellence will motivate you but also limit you if you aren’t careful.
  • If we spend more on something, we aren’t necessarily making it better, we are making a trade.
  • Better is a higher or equal return.
  • Leaders bend the curve (BTC).
  • Leaders think inside the box. 
  • Limited options, constraints drive creativity. Constraints eliminate options.
  • In your organization, where is there tension? Where do you have a rub that you need to let the constraints drive the ideas?
  • You have everything you need to do everything you are called to do.
  • If you have everything you wanted, you might miss what you really needed.
  • Leaders burn the ships.
  • You need to figure out what you need to do to step out of your doubts and into your calling.
  • You are one step away from what you are supposed to accomplish.