Friday Five + 1 [Quarantine Edition]

Welcome to the Friday Five. I hope you are staying safe and healthy as we are in quarantine life.

Before getting to my Friday Five. I’ve been writing about how to live and lead in this new season of life. In case you miss them, here they are:

Here are my favorite podcasts and blogs in this quarantine world:

Favorite podcasts:

I’m working on a sermon on loneliness, isolation, and the power of presence, especially in a quarantined world. This podcast with Tim Ferriss and Esther Perel on Tactics for relationships in quarantine was incredibly helpful. It’s long but has a lot of nuggets in it. Specifically, how to navigate your relational world while at home and under the stress and anxiety of quarantine.

Keeping with the quarantine theme, Andy Crouch was interviewed by Jennie Allen about how to have hope in this season. How do you move forward as a church? What should rhythms for your family look like? It found it incredibly helpful right now.

Pete Scazzero had a great podcast on our collective dark night of the soul in this season. He looked at what we are all losing, but what it will be mean for communities, families, and churches. There is a sadness we are all living in that will have enormous ramifications on us.

Favorite blog posts:

Being in quarantine can add a lot of stress to your marriage and family. But how do you deal with it? I appreciated the ideas in this blog post from Toni Nieuwhof on How to battle back when quarantine makes your marriage worse

I’ve been doing a lot of reading and thinking about what church will look like post-covid, and I have appreciated Andy Crouch’s thoughts on the topic (see above). He has a great article about how every business and church is now a start-up.

Bonus: What does leadership look like in this covid world? Harvard Business lays out 4 things great leaders are doing right now.

Stay tuned next week as I’m starting a new blog series about relationships in quarantine that you won’t want to miss!