When God Says No

Have you ever wanted something so badly, and it didn’t happen? It may have been a relationship, a job opportunity, buying a house, or any number of things you were so sure would be amazing, and yet, it fell through.

There have been times in my life where I have been so sure of something, so sure of a decision that I can see it happening, and then it didn’t happen.

And I’m left to wonder why.

Why did that door close? Why did that opportunity go away? Why did that relationship fade into the distance? Why didn’t God say yes to that?

Looking back on my life and the lives of others, I can see some perspective. While this isn’t always the case because some situations aren’t fully realized yet, but I’ve learned that sometimes when God says no, he is really protecting me.

I knew a church that had hired a pastor, but then that pastor backed out. They were devastated because they had announced the hire and started moving the pieces, but then it came out a few months later that this pastor had morally failed.

I have known countless people who were the finalists for jobs, jobs that were a “perfect” fit for them that they were so sure they were going to get, only to be told no.

Each person has since told me that it was really the best thing for them in the long run.

Is that always the case? Not always. But many times, being told no instead of a yes is not the worst thing.

When we are told to “wait,” we are waiting for something that we are being prepared for.

I can look back on numerous dreams and goals that I had, but I wasn’t ready to walk into them. I wasn’t ready to receive them or experience them. By waiting, I was allowed to be better prepared for them.