Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash
One thing that gets us in trouble in our relationships is that we respond to people the same. The reality is that our response to people depends on some things. The boundaries we have with one person aren’t the boundaries we should have with another person.
The book of Proverbs states that there are 3 kinds of people: Wise, foolish, and evil. How do we know what kind of person we are dealing with? It depends on their reaction to the truth.
What makes a person wise? In Necessary Endings, Henry Cloud states, “When truth presents itself, the wise person sees the light, takes it in, and makes adjustments.”
What else makes a wise person so you know if you are one or if you are dealing with one? Cloud has some examples:
- When you give them feedback, they listen, take it in, and adjust their behavior accordingly.
- When you give them feedback, they embrace it positively.
- They own their actions and reactions and take responsibility without excuses or blame.
- Your relationship is strengthened as a result of giving them feedback.
- They empathize and express concern about the results of their behavior on others.
- They show remorse for their actions and behaviors.
- They ask curious questions.
- They are open to change, and they make changes.
A wise person is different from a fool or an evil person.
One simple way to know if you are wise or dealing with a wise person is if they are open to feedback. If they are not, that is a clue.