Friday Five

It’s hard to believe that it is already March!

Hopefully, you are sticking with your goals or word for the year. If not, get back to it. It isn’t too late and you knew 2020 was the year for that focus.

Favorite book:

I have loved Marcus Buckingham’s new book Nine Lies About Work: A Freethinking Leader’s Guide to the Real WorldI love its contrarian take on all things leadership and what we think about work. 

Favorite podcasts:

Carey Nieuwhof’s interview with Susan Steinbrecher on How to lead change, deal with conflict at work and increase team engagement is pure gold. I loved the emphasis she gave in terms of the emotional side of change (something that is easy to forget as leaders) and how best to walk through difficult conversations at work.

Favorite blog posts:

If you don’t want to read all of Marcus Buckingham’s book on work, this article on the feedback fallacy is incredibly helpful and this short video on why feedback fails.

This article on how to see self-awareness, knowing when to leave your leadership post and pass the baton by looking at the journey of Disney CEO, Bob Iger, is an incredible article. I was blown away by his ability to see where he and his company was and leave it in a better position than when he got there. It definitely made me reflect on my ability to do that one day.

Getting Unstuck in Life & Relationships

Have you ever felt stuck in life? In a relationship? Or your career?

This happens in our career where we feel like we’re just going in circles. We feel stuck in our finances, where it seems impossible to get ahead.  Or sometimes, relationally, we feel like a relationship is stuck, or we find ourselves bouncing from one group to another, never really feeling like we belong. Or at a spiritual level, we feel like God is putting something in front of us, something that is out of our comfort zone, and we’re not sure we want to do it.

We’ll try all kinds of things to get unstuck. Books, blogs, counseling. And all those are great, but what about God?

I think for many of us, we wonder if God cares that we’re stuck. Could God help us get unstuck? I know for myself, I often think I’m so small, and the things that I’m facing seem so small in comparison to other items in the world God is dealing with, but we need to remind ourselves, that He cares for each one of us and what we are facing.

What if, an encounter with God gets us unstuck? That sounds so simple. An encounter with God. But how does that work? How do we encounter God?

To answer that, we need to go to a mountain top. Why a mountain top?

For me, I love to be on top of a mountain. When life feels hectic and stressful or hot in the summer in Tucson, going up Mt Lemmon is a breath of fresh air. The cold weather, the quiet, and peace bring clarity to things. It is refreshing. I feel the same way when I stand on a mountain with a snowboard strapped to my feet. I feel closer to God, and I feel more alive.

Have you ever felt that way?

There is a clarity to a mountain top in life; obstacles feel smaller, dreams, and visions for our lives become clearer than in a valley.

Mountaintops bring perspective.

And if we’re honest, God feels closer on a mountain top than in a valley. But encountering God on the mountain reshapes our reality to live in the valley.

Is there something to that? I believe so.

Very often in the Bible, encounters with God happen on mountains.

In the book of Exodus, Moses meets God on a mountain top, and God tells him that He will use Moses to set the nation of Israel free from slavery in Egypt after 400 years. After bringing the nation of Israel out of slavery, God gives Moses the ten commandments for them on a mountain top. Elijah, a great prophet in the Old Testament, heard the still, small voice of God on a mountain top. Jesus often went off to pray and be alone with God on a mountain top. Jesus gave his most famous sermon known as the sermon on the mount, on a mountain top. When Jesus ascended into heaven, and he gave his disciples the call to go into all the world and make disciples, he did it on a mountain top.

This is important, and something easily missed in the busyness of life.

Perspective in life, getting unstuck, involves moving to a new place (not a different city) but getting away from the busyness and daily activities of living.

We know this, but we keep grinding it out, hoping that somehow, something will change for us.

But what happens on the mountain? What happens when we pull away?

What we hope will happen and what will happen are different things.

We hope that God will change everything at once. He will move us here, change this job, fill our bank account, fix that relational issue, or take that hurt away in an instant.

And for some of us, that happens.

Most of the time, though, God simply invites us to what is next.

We can’t move on to what is next until we encounter God.

Friday Five

It’s been a little while since I posted my Friday Five, but here we are. I hope you are staying warm wherever you are. For the most part, Tucson has been an incredible winter with a few days in the ’70s (I know, I know), but I love it when it is in the ’50s, and 60’s here for the winter!

Favorite book:

I recently read Fathered by God: Learning What Your Dad Could Never Teach You by John Eldredge. This book walks through the stages of being a man: boyhood, cowboy, warrior, lover, king, and sage. And while each stage and year have parts of all of these, the masculine journey can be broken up into these parts. A few things stood out: don’t king a man too early, and this happens to a lot of boys when they’re told: “you’re the man of the house early.” While sometimes that can’t be avoided, it causes a lot of harm. Many older men who are in or entering the sage chapter continue to try to be a king, which leads to frustration to them. And lastly, if you don’t give a boy a chance to be a cowboy or a warrior, he will look for ways to do that later in life, and it is often destructive. 

I am getting closer to the end of The Last Kingdom series and love this series. It just keeps getting better and better. If you haven’t checked it out yet, please do. It’s a fun read.

Favorite podcasts:

I just discovered a new podcast, The Paterson Podcast. This is a podcast by the company that helps people create life plans. Katie and I are getting ready to start one as we turn the corner of heading into our 40’s and looking at the second half of our lives and what we believe God holds for us. I’m excited about this process and what we’re going to learn about ourselves through it.

I also just discovered Gabe and Rebekah Lyons’s podcast Rhythms for life. Their episode with Pete Richardson of the Paterson company (see above paragraph) was incredibly informative for us as we look towards creating a life plan. Still, my favorite so far has been the episode with Curt Thompson on what to do when you feel overwhelmed.

Favorite blog posts:

I loved this article on what makes a person rich: IQ or personality. Fascinating.

Building a Healthy Staff Culture

If you are a leader, one of the things you must always think about is culture. The culture of your church or business. The culture of your staff and team.

The problem with culture, though, is that it isn’t always written on the wall. As one author put it, What You Do Is Who You Are. Which means you are continually building culture. 

You are creating it through your interactions, personally and in meetings. You are creating it through how you spend your money and time. You are creating it through how people work in meetings. You are building it through how you handle your own emotions. You are creating it through whether or not you burn out or if you are healthy.

While culture is a squishy thing, a leader must pay attention to it because if you aren’t, your culture will get away from you.

The reason is: Whatever culture you create at work, people will emulate.

If you look around and see dishonest, burned out, or backstabbing people. That’s the leadership and culture.

If they’re honest, balanced, and humble, that’s leadership and culture.

If the marriages in your church are falling apart, that’s leadership and culture.

Those closest to the leader emulate the leader and his or her life and pass those things on. Yes, people make decisions along the way, and a leader isn’t responsible for everyone’s personal choices, but the reality is that a leader shows what makes someone successful or what is allowed.

For example, very quickly in a new job, you learn what it means to be successful somewhere. Can you be late on things? Who holds the real power at a church (hint: it isn’t always the person with the title)? How do things get done?

All of this goes back to culture.

That’s why Henry Cloud famously said: “A leader gets what he or she created or allows.”

Culture will end up determining if you are successful in reaching your goals. But it will also determine where you end up as a leader or a church.

And this is the most important reason to pay attention to it. Because you may not like where you end up, you may not like the church you become.

5 Ways to Handle Disappointment in Ministry

If you are in leadership or ministry long enough, you will have seasons and moments of disappointment. It might be someone you are counseling that walks away and doesn’t want your help. It might be a leader who decides they aren’t on board anymore, and they leave. Some will create division or hurt in your life. Maybe someone is mean to your wife or kids. The list is endless.

What do you do in those moments? For many, these moments are when someone leaves for a new job — explaining how God has called them to a church that will be easier, with fewer problems.

I don’t think that is the answer. Instead, here are five things you can do when you face disappointment in ministry.

You’re still called. Remember that you are called to where God has you. The moments that are the hardest in life and ministry are typically when God is trying to teach you something, your church, family, or team. Is God trying to grow you in an area? Is there sin in your life or something you need to deal with? Falling back on your calling and the leader God created you to be is often one of the essential things to cling to when ministry is hard. 

Stay focused in your area. When leading is hard, everyone else seems to have an easier time. When a Sunday is mediocre for you, go on Twitter, and you will find 20 guys who just had a revival while you preached to the sleeping masses. Don’t look over the fence. Don’t brush up on your resume. Don’t look up churches looking for a pastor. This isn’t the time — water the grass in your church so that it grows. If God wanted you to have what those other pastors are experiencing, he would give it to you. Faithfulness with what is in front of us is one of the most overlooked things when it comes to pastoring in an Instagram world. 

Keep everyone focused. If you are disappointed, it will eventually bleed into your team. You, as a leader, must keep them focused on the vision and away from disappointment. Celebrate whatever you can think of. The energy that you bring to your team, positive or negative, will multiply.

Don’t sin. When you are at a low point in life, sin is right around the corner. Whether it is jealousy, gossip, or falling into an addiction, keep your guard up, be aware. Don’t fail amid disappointment.

Take a break. When you are disappointed, it might be time for a vacation. You may be burning out, running out of things to give those around you, and you need to get a better handle on life and ministry. Pulling back and taking a break is a great way to help gain perspective and be able to continue in what God has called you to.

Know this: disappointment does not last forever. Ministry can be hard, and there are many valleys along the way, but there are also many places of flat walking and mountaintops. Keep pressing forward.

1 Surprising & 1 Not Surprising Thing You need for Spiritual Growth

One of the things many Christians are looking for is how do I grow spiritually?

I think many things can help you grow your faith, but two of them stand out in the New Testament. One that we often talk about and one we do not — one surprising and one that isn’t.

Let’s start with the one that you might expect.

Community. Relationships.

We all know that community and relationships make an enormous impact in positive and negative ways.

Throughout the New Testament, we see that we are to pursue being one with others. We are to love them, care for them, do life with them. Too many of though, are trying to grow spiritually on our own. We are trying to figure out God’s will for our lives, figure out our spiritual gifts and do that all in isolation. The reality is, though, many of those things become more apparent to us in community.

I can’t become all that God wants me to become in isolation.

J.D. Greear said, “The church is to be God’s demonstration community.”

It is through relationships that we show what God is like. It is a willingness to be humble, to love, to serve, to handle complicated relationships, and forgive that we show what God is like.

The second we grow spiritually, and this is the surprising one, or at least, the one we wished weren’t true, and that is difficulties.

When life is going well, relationships are hitting on all cylinders, my career and finances are going well; my perceived need for God goes down. I start to think I can handle most of my life and turn less and less to God.

But when life is hard. When I find myself facing the dark night of the soul or a desert season, I am very aware of my need for God.

While we will run toward community and relationships, we will often do what we can to avoid difficulty in life, but both are needed to grow in our relationship with God.

The True Cost of Ministry

Picture this, your church just pulled off a big event, and you are sitting in a room evaluating it and deciding if it was a success.

The answers are often dependent on how excited you were before the event and during it — the number of people who attended, people who became Christians, or how you experienced the event.

Then someone asks, “Do we do this again next year?”

Now, if you are smart, you would stop the conversation at this point.

Churches are notorious for throwing money after things they’ve done before or something that someone else started without asking if it is worthwhile.

Most of the time, the question of worth boils down to the budget number on that white sheet of paper.

But what most elder teams and staffs miss is that the cost of an event or ministry is not just what is on that piece of paper. It includes that, but it is much more than that.

Here are a few questions you should ask as you evaluate an event or ministry:

How much did we pay staff to be there? When churches think about events, outreach, Christmas Eve, etc. they rarely factor in what they pay the team for the event. But this is a cost. Take whatever last big event your church did, add up all the staff hours, and what those staff members get paid per hour. That is a cost to your church for that event or ministry.

Now, it might be worth it.

But as a smart leader, you have to calculate that.

Let me throw another example out. Think back to the last meeting you had at your church. How many staff members attended? How much do they get paid per hour? Was that meeting worth what your church spent to have those staff members there? Did anyone check their email during the meeting? Social media?

What we pay staff members to do is a direct reflection of how we view stewardship as a church.

How many volunteer hours were spent on something? When it comes to a significant event or outreach at any church, hundreds and possibly thousands of volunteer hours will be taken up.

Those volunteer hours are hours that will not be spent on something else.

So, how can you make sure you don’t waste them? How do you make sure that it is worth it?

Many times, we don’t ask these questions; we plan an event and throw out the call for volunteers.

But why would they want to attend and help out? You must make sure that you attach a strong vision for something and make sure everyone knows why you are doing something.

What didn’t get done or got pushed back because of this event? No matter how amazing your staff is, when you pull off a big event or outreach, something won’t get done. That might be in terms of songs written, videos made, graphics produced, lessons, recruiting, or training might fall by the wayside.

Just like everything else on this list, that isn’t a bad thing — just something you have to factor in.

As best as you can, before hitting the yes button on something, try to list out what might get sacrificed because of something. Will there be an area of ministry that will suffer because of what you are trying to pull off? The reality is that something will fall off, but you have to factor that into the cost of something.

What was the wear and tear in terms of energy? One thing churches rarely ask is, “Is this the right season to do this?”

Churches fall into the trap of “we did this last year, so we have to do this again this year.” But what if you don’t have the bandwidth, energy, finances? Some years you can take a year off from something. There were times that Jesus walked away from the crowds and times that he walked into them. Both are acceptable and right at the right moment.

But just because you did something last year does not mean you need to do it this year.

Are you launching a campus? A new service? Did you hire several new staff members? What is the burnout rate of your team?

Remember, when you did it the first time or last time, that was a different season. Just like a family must continuously ask if now is the right season for this, so does a church.

How to Create Boundaries in Unhealthy Relationships

Every relationship we have, the goal is to have a healthy one. But sometimes, we end up in unhealthy relationships.

Some people are easy to love. They are easy to get along with and have a relationship with while others are not.

Some people in our lives bring us life. And others that drain us.

But at some point, we all encounter someone who is emotionally unhealthy or merely immature. This person might look to you to give them something you can’t give them or don’t want to provide them within a relationship. They might want more time and attention than you can afford. They might want more energy or proximity to you than you can give them.

This doesn’t make this person terrible, but many people struggle on how to have boundaries with this person. Especially if you are related to them.

So how do you create boundaries in unhealthy relationships or with unhealthy people?

Listen. You need to know how best to help someone move from unhealth to health, and that comes through listening.

Too often, at least this is true for me, it is easy for me to brush people aside. But one of the best ways to move a relationship from an unhealthy place to a good place is knowing what needs to be done, and that comes through listening.

Many times, I have assumed someone, their story or situation, or even the day they are having, and that assumption hurt the relationship. The truth is, you don’t know what the other person is going through, what they are experiencing, or the day they had.

Listening creates empathy, which can lead to understanding.

Provide feedback. In listening, we gain the right to be heard by someone.

Most people don’t know how they come across. Or what it is like to be in a relationship with them. We don’t see the impact of our words or presence on other people. When we hurt someone, we are usually the last ones to find out.

This is why feedback is so valuable. Asking things like, what is it like to be on the other side of me? How did I come across in that meeting? Questions like this are crucial to be in a healthy relationship.

If you’re in an unhealthy relationship, you need to have the courage to give feedback to the other person. What they do with that information is up to them, but if you don’t, you don’t give the relationship a chance.

Help as much as you can. When you encounter an unhealthy person or an emotionally immature person, you want to help as much as you can. But you also need to know what your limit is. This is important; the boundary you set will be different than the boundary they want.

And that’s okay.

You aren’t responsible for how they respond or what they do. But you are responsible for your heart, your health, and not letting them pull you into things.

A healthy person can set boundaries and keep them. Unhealthy people can’t.

This changes with the season in life. There are times that you have more emotional and relational energy for people and seasons when you have less. You have to be aware of this in your own life.

Tell them when they’ve passed a boundary. If you have set a boundary with someone and they cross it or ask for something you can’t give, tell them.

In relationships, this can be incredibly difficult and uncomfortable, especially if that person has hurt you or caused deep pain. Many times we’d rather pretend that nothing happened, that everything is okay instead of drawing attention to an issue.

But if we don’t, it will only continue to fester in us and the relationship.

Know you can’t save them. One of the hardest parts of a relationship with an unhealthy person is knowing that you can’t change them. You can’t save them. You can help them, love them, be there for them, but as Lysa TerKuest says, “You have to let the other person walk down the other side of the road.”

How One Word can Bring Focus to Your Year

Every year, many Americans will set a New Years Resolution. Over 50% of Americans will set one, but by summer, more than half have given up.

My wife sent me a meme this week that said: “A new year’s resolutions are just a to-do list for the first week of January.”

And that’s how it feels sometimes. 

These goals range from losing weight, starting a business or school, quitting smoking and vaping, getting out of debt. 

Resolutions are helpful, and maybe they bring you to focus, but I think they are missing something. 

Twelve years ago, I was there. I weighed 300 pounds, and I was miserable. To read more about my weight loss journey, you can read it here.

Every year, I said, this was the year I was going to lose weight. When Katie and I got married, I was 200 pounds heavier than her. A friend told me recently that she married me as an investment. 

At one of my lowest points, I blamed her for my weight. I told her that I would lose weight if she cooked healthier food. To which she told me, “We eat the same food.”


I tried diets, exercise plans, fasting, everything it seemed, and nothing worked or stuck. 

We went to a doctor, and I told him, “I want to lose weight. I want to be skinny.” He looked at me and said, “Josh, that is a terrible goal.” 


He said, “you need to lose weight because you aren’t even 30 yet, and you are incredibly unhealthy, but losing weight is a terrible goal for anyone.” Instead, he said, “make being healthy your goal.” Here’s what is fascinating to me now; he was right.  Not only in how it played out in my life but how Scripture and research back this up. 

Proverbs 4 says:

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.

Your heart is the center of who you are. It is not only about what and who you love, but also about your desires, longings, and dreams. It also defines the person you are becoming. And yes, God cares about the person you are becoming.

What do you love? What do you desire? What do you think is most important right now and in 2020? What would you like to happen this year?

The writer of Proverbs tells us to give careful thought to it. Too often, we are flippant about our goals, loves, and desires. But as one writer said, “You are what you love.”

The reason I think we need to pay attention to desires, especially the desires in our hearts, is that they will drive us in life. And, this is so important, we need to bring those desires to God to see if they are from him. If they are worth our time and energy. And if that is who he created us to be.

Too often, though, our cultural narrative is, if you desire it, if you want it, it must be right for you. But asking what God thinks of something can sound negative, so let’s reframe the question: What does God want you to focus on in 2020? What kind of person does God want you to become in 2020?

But how do we know? How do we know if we have the right focus?

The writer of Proverbs tells us in verse 25: Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.

This is the principle of one focus. It matters what we focus on, what we look to. That focus, that attention will determine the person we become.

Every year I read a lot of books. In fact, in 2019, I put together a book list that our kids have to read before they graduate high school, and my favorite book of 2019 was on it: Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear. And his research backs up Proverbs 4. 

Clear said that becoming a new person, keeping a new habit is wrapped up in a simple two-step process:

  1. Decide the type of person you want to be.
  2. Prove it to yourself with small wins.

Decide the type of person you want to be. This is the focus that Proverbs 4 talked about. What we focus on, what we give our attention to determines the person we become. 

Who you are, who you are becoming. Not just who you are growing into, but what kind of person does God want you to become this year and beyond?

Often, we think God cares about what we do and think, and he does, but God also cares deeply about the person you are becoming. He created and designed you a specific way, with particular gifts and talents and abilities. What you can do is unique to you. 

Too often, though, we live someone else’s dreams. We go after someone else’s goals. We try to have someone else’s marriage or career, live up to a family standard. 

I talk to a lot of students who want to do one thing, but their parents want them to do something else, and they give up their dream. They give up their focus. 

This point is why my doctor was right. There is a difference between being healthy and losing weight. We all know people who eat fast food six times a week and are skinny. You can lose weight and not be healthy. I had lost weight countless times and put it back on, all without becoming healthy. 

Being healthy is about the person I was becoming. 

And what I learned for me that so crucial: Being healthy is about what is happening in you. Losing weight is what is happening to you. 

Prove it to yourself with small wins. 

What we often do with a goal is to set unrealistic expectations. We say I’m going to start running this year and run five days a week. Well, how often do you run now? I don’t. Or, I’m going to get up at 4 am to pray and read my bible. What time do you get up now? 7. That’s not realistic. 

I love what James Clear tells clients to do that are hoping to lose weight. He tells them to go to the gym for 5 minutes a day, three days a week. Walk-in, lift a weight, do one exercise. He says they always look at him like that is the dumbest idea on the planet, but he tells them, “Right now, you aren’t the kind of person who goes to the gym, you have to become the kind of person who goes to the gym.”

And that small win, of making it there three days a week for 5 minutes each day becomes 10 minutes, which becomes 20 and so on. 

I think having a word for the year can be so important. It answers the question, who am I becoming this year? What am I focusing on this year?

I think the benefit of having a word over a resolution or a goal is that it defines who you will become in a year, what you will focus on. A resolution and goal can wrap themselves up in this, but a word gives so much more power to your life.

It decides the story you will tell for your year.

Fight Your Fears

All of us have fears. It might be the dark, failure, snakes (that’s one of mine!), heights, being alone, or being in a crowd.

How do you know if you fear the right things? If we aren’t careful, we can be afraid of things that aren’t worth being afraid or we can let fear dictate what we do and don’t do. One pastor said, “What you fear establishes the boundaries of your freedom.”

One way to know what you are afraid of is to look at what you deflect in your life. What things do we not want to talk about or deal with? What places or relationships in our lives will we not let someone speak into?

Counselor Ed Welch gives three reasons to help us discover our fears:

  1. We fear people because they can expose and humiliate us. 
  2. We fear people because they can reject, ridicule, or expose us. 
  3. We fear people because they can attack, oppress, or threaten us.

Welch says, “These three reasons have one thing in common, they make people bigger, more powerful and significant, than God in our lives. And from this power, we give other people the power and right to tell us what to feel, think, and do.”

If you’re afraid of heights, you stay on the ground; you don’t fly. If you’re scared of sharks, you don’t play in the waves. If you’re afraid to get hurt, you stay away from most relationships. 

One of the things we see in scripture is that the fear of God is the answer to our fear because God will not limit us but give us freedom. 

Because fearing the right thing can lead to freedom.

But something else is going on when we look at fears.  Our fears and worries have meaning. They tell us something. They reveal things about who we are, and they show what we love and value. 

This is especially important for men because one of the narratives of our culture for men is that you don’t fear anything. You are a man. This is why from a young age, men hear, “Be a man.” so, instead of fear, men opt for anger. 

One author said, “Following Jesus in faith often means asking what is the next right move?”

But our fears can keep us from asking this question and keep us from answering it, so we stay stuck.

What if on the other side of your fear, on the other side of the next right move, is the life you’ve been hoping for?

And all that is keeping you is a step.