Every year, my team and I attend the leadership summit and it is always refreshing, challenging and recharging for me. Easily the best leadership material in a conference that is out there. I try to share some of the highlights I took from each session.
Here are some thoughts from the session with Chris Voss on Negotiation in relationships:
- Any time the words “I want” or “I need” enter your head or a conversation, you are in a negotiation.
- The commodity in all negotiations is time.
- The first move in a negotiation is to listen, to hear them out.
- You will be shocked how far you will get if you connect with people.
- Every time someone says “that’s right” they feel more connected to you.
- People want empathy, to be understood. What the FBI calls tactical empathy.
- Empathy is not compassion, it is a step towards compassion. It is understanding where someone is coming from, even the parts you might not like.
- Call the elephant in the room out, don’t deny it.
- You can manipulate people, but you will pay for it down the road.
- The second move is mirroring.
- Repeating the last couple of words of what the other person just said.
- It is inviting people to expand.
- Mirroring is the conversation swiss army knife.
- If someone says “no” then they feel safe and protected.
- A calibrated “no” is worth at least five “yeses.”
- The third move is if you remove barriers to agreements first, you get to agreement faster.
- The fourth move is effective pauses.
- Be comfortable with silence. 2 out of 3 are uncomfortable with silences.
- We can break people up into groups: fight, flight, make friends.
- The fifth move is to be likable.
- You are six times more likely to make a deal with someone you like.
- The sixth move is don’t say “I understand.”
- The seventh move is to figure out why not what.
- The word “why” makes people defensive.
- Ask “what makes you want that” not “why do you want that.”
- The eighth move is to ask open-ended questions.
- Ask “how.”
- How triggers slow thinking, in-depth thinking. It helps us to shape someone’s thinking.
- Negotiation is about what’s happening in the future.
- In negotiation, leave the selfish stuff out.
- Fear is part of every negotiation because we’re hardwired to be afraid.
- The quickest hack against fear is to be genuinely curious.