The Heart of Christ for You and Me

One of my favorite books I read this year was Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers by Dane Ortlund. The whole book oozes with gospel goodness. I read it during a tough season (hello 2020!) and found myself so encouraged by it and drawn to a deeper view of who God is and his heart for me. 

If you haven’t already, you should read the book.

If you’re still on the fence or need some encouragement today, here are my 16 favorite quotes from the book:

  1. The posture most natural to Jesus is not a pointed finger but open arms.
  2. Matthew 11:28 tells us explicitly who qualifies for fellowship with Jesus: “all who labor and are heavy laden.” You don’t need to unburden or collect yourself and then come to Jesus. Your very burden is what qualifies you to come.
  3. If we are asked to say only one thing about who Jesus is, we would be honoring Jesus’s own teaching if our answer is gentle and lowly.
  4. What elicits tenderness from Jesus is not the severity of the sin but whether the sinner comes to him.
  5. In the biblical gospel, we are not given a thing; we are given a person.
  6. When we sin, the very heart of Christ is drawn out to us.
  7. Seeing God’s greatness is not our deepest need, but seeing his goodness.
  8. When we come to Christ, we are startled by the beauty of his welcoming heart. The surprise is itself what draws us in.
  9. In Jesus Christ, we are given a friend who will always enjoy rather than refuse our presence.
  10. The Spirit causes us actually to feel Christ’s heart for us.
  11. The label “Father of mercies” is the Bible’s way of taking us into the deepest recesses of who God the Father is.
  12. We tend to project our natural expectations about who God is onto him instead of fighting to let the Bible surprise us into what God himself says.
  13. Repent of your small thoughts of God’s heart. Repent and let him love you.
  14. God is not poor in mercy. He is rich in mercy.
  15. Nowhere else in the Bible is God described as rich in anything. The only thing he is called rich in is mercy. What does this mean? It means that God is something other than what we naturally believe him to be. It means the Christian life is a lifelong shedding of tepid thoughts of the goodness of God.
  16. There are two ways to live the Christian life. You can live it either for the heart of Christ or from the heart of Christ. You can live for the smile of God or from it.

How to Dream [Again]

Dream Big text

One of the hardest things to do when you face disappointments in life is to dream again. And if we’re honest, 2020 has been a dream killer, a year of setbacks, letdowns, and disappointments. There are unmet expectations everywhere. This past Sunday, I preached on how to face those disappointments and setbacks and dreams again. Maybe you are in that place where it is hard to dream. You are just trying to make it through the day, and how do you even know if your dreams will come true. Here’s my encouragement, check out the sermon, and then take some time to get curious and dream again (if you’d like a really creative version of this that our incredible team put together, go here to download it). I believe that God will meet you there and help you move forward with what he puts on your heart. 

In his book Dream Big: Know What You Want, Why You Want It, and What You’re Going to Do About It, Bob Goff lays out some helpful questions to help us dream.

  1. Who are you?
  2. Where are you?
  3. What do you want?

I want to encourage you as you go through this exercise to write things out and dream. We edit our dreams too quickly and miss out on what God has for us. So before you ask ‘how’ questions, take some time to pray and dream. 

We’ll get to the editing and how questions at the end. Right now, it is important to dream, to write, to let your mind wander. As children, we are good at this, but the older we get, it is easy to limit ourselves. Limiting ourselves is how we end up with regrets, disappointments, and cynicism. More than likely, if you’re like most people when it comes to dreams, reality thinking isn’t the problem. It is dreaming that is the struggle. 

Broken Dreams

Before we get to dreams, let’s take a look at our broken dreams. Many of us get stuck in life, and rightfully so because we dreamed and nothing happened. We went after a goal, a hope, a dream, only to have it shattered. Our lives get shattered by the actions of others, and this keeps us where we are.

Larry Crabb has some helpful insight on this: Shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story. The Holy Spirit uses the pain of shattered dreams to help us discover our desire for God, to help us begin dreaming the highest dream. They are ordained opportunities for the Spirit to awaken, then to satisfy our highest dream.

Don’t just speed through those dreams or that season. What is the Holy Spirit doing in you from those dreams? What is God showing you? Growing in you for His purposes?

Now, if you’re ready to take that step and dream again, read on…

Who are you?

What makes you, you? This is about getting an understanding of your story. What makes you tick? What makes you unique?

All of us have different gifts, personalities, talents, ambitions, and histories. God doesn’t waste any of those. If you grew up in a broken home or grew up in poverty, that has an enormous impact on what God might want to do in your life and future. 

Take some time to write down moments that have impacted your life—both high and low. 

Ask God, what does that say about me? My story? Is there anything on that list you want me to pay attention to? Were there any limiting beliefs in your family growing up? Anything in particular from your family story that you need to pay attention to?

Here are a few other questions that might jog some ideas: What are your strengths, gifts, and things you are good at? How has God uniquely wired you so that you can contribute something special? What do you do without having to think? What do people ask you for advice in or seek out your help with?

Where are you?

This is more about your stage in life than your geography, although geography does matter when it comes to dreams. 

What is your life stage? Did you make a big change in your life: marriage, children, retirement, new job, new school, or new house. Are you about to make a big change in life? Or maybe you would like to make a big change in life. These are important to the stage you are in. 

I’m a dad of 5 kids, two of who are teenagers, so there are dreams I have today that aren’t for right now. That’s okay. This isn’t about limiting yourself or your dreams, but having an honest assessment of who you are and where you are. Just because we can’t do something today doesn’t mean we can never do that thing. It just means, today may not be the time. 

So, be honest: where are you in life? 

What do you want?

Even though we love the idea of dreams, it can be difficult to attach words to them. But list out what do you want in life. What do you want to be known for? What things do you want people to say about you at your funeral? What stories do you want people to tell about you? Do you want to travel somewhere? Do something you’ve never tried before? What legacy do you want to leave in your life? Recently I heard a pastor in his 80’s say, “More people need to ask, ‘What kind of old person do I want to be?’” That really struck me and has caused my wife and me to think differently about our lives and dreams. 

If it helps to think backward, write out where you hope to be in 5 years. For many of us, we have put this on hold this year because of how hard it has been, but this is a moment to take that back and dream again. 

Don’t edit this yet. Don’t start to “how” your list and try to figure out how you’ll get there or get it done. Just list it out. 

Now What?

Take a moment to look at what you’ve written down. Bring those things before God in prayer. Ask him what things he truly wants you to focus on this week, this month, this year, or in the next decade. Not everything on your list is for now, and that’s okay. Dreams don’t always happen fast. 

Depending on your personality, you might look at your list and see some impossible things, that is great. Continue asking God for his help. Maybe you see some overwhelming or scary things, continue bringing those before God, and ask him for courage and guidance. Ask this person to pray with you as you move forward with your dreams. 

Let me give one helpful insight: The dreams that help people, that are meaningful to you and others, that line up with your personal values, those are the ones that will draw the best out of us. Whether 1 person knows, we accomplished it or a thousand. Those numbers aren’t important. 

One Tweak that Took my Preaching to a New Level

One of my favorite parts of being a pastor is opening up God’s word and preach. To see how God changes people, how He moves them along in their spiritual journeys, and when people have that aha moment of clarity from a sermon.

It is incredible.

Over the years, I have always tried to improve my preaching, but my preaching has gone to a new level in the last year.

And I believe a big part of that is because of the teaching process we have at Pantano.

I didn’t create this, but have greatly benefited and thought I’d share what we do.

Like most churches, we plan our teaching calendar out a year in advance. So in August of 2019, we laid out our 2020 calendar of series, topics, speakers, etc. Heading into 2021, because of what 2020 has taught us, we will only plan the first 6 months, so it gives us a shorter runway of topics.

Once the series is laid out, each series is assigned a creator. This creator lays out the passages, the main idea, and the next steps. While these will often get changed by the team, it is a launching off point. The goal is to hand the creative team and the teaching team a roughly half done series.

This all happens 10 – 12 weeks before a series is taught. So the creative team can begin working on stories, videos, and other elements.

At this point, the teachers have what they are doing, and so does the rest of the team.

13 days before a sermon is taught, the notes are handed to the teacher’s teaching team for them to be reviewed. This team is made of men and women, all ages and personalities. This team is looking for inconsitencies, places where the teacher didn’t go deep enough or far enough or went too deep into the weeds. This team helps to make sure the sermon makes sense, has a good flow, enough personal stories in it, and makes sure that we speak to each person in our church, to the best of our ability.

This team has saved me many times.

Once the teacher has feedback and this team has about a week to give it, they go back to work, going through the comments on a google doc.

Then, on the Thursday before teaching, we do a live run-through for our teaching and creative team.

No matter who you are, everyone does it live.

At first, this can feel really awkward because you roll into the room and go. But as we have seen in covid, many of us ended up doing this anyway.

For a communicator, this is one of the best things you can do for your preaching.


You get the feel of a joke; you get the feel of a story. You can work on your eye contact in the room and as it relates to a camera. The team can give feedback on how things feel, how vulnerable you are if you need more information in a section, or how clear your main idea and the next steps are.

Then, the week after, we give feedback to the speaker for how Sunday went.

Is this a lot? Yes. Has this been worth it? Yes.

Monday Morning Mind Dump…

  • It’s been a while since I posted one of these, so I thought it was a good time.
  • A lot has changed since the last one.
  • My role at our church is now different, which I am really enjoying.
  • I get to oversee the WIN for our church and our teaching team.
  • Definitely up my alley.
  • Speaking of our church, two exciting things are happening this week: One, I am hosting our deeper dive into politics tonight. Two, we regather at our East campus this coming Sunday!
  • I can’t wait for both of those.
  • I’ve been asked by a lot of pastors what I expect when it comes to people returning to church.
  • My answer: “I have no idea.”
  • More than likely, a lot like the rest of the country, but we’ll see on Sunday.
  • Over the weekend, I finished a really fun and interesting book: The Biggest Bluff: How I Learned to Pay Attention, Master Myself, and Win. Not a life-changing book, but had some really good nuggets, especially related to emotions and decision making. 
  • Last night I started Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life after hearing the author on a podcast, and I am hooked on this book. I highlighted so much of the first few chapters.
  • Because of how much time we are spending staring at screens for work, Katie and I are reading more often at night than watching TV.
  • It’s been nice in the midst of this crazy season.
  • A new season of parenting has happened at our house: watching shows we all enjoy.
  • A couple weeks ago we started the greatest TV show in all of history (yes I said that), The West Wing.
  • Several years ago, I started a podcast with a friend.
  • Then we took a break.
  • We are starting to record again and have some great things coming up.
  • Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss some things that will help you as a leader.
  • Speaking of podcasts, if you haven’t heard Carey Nieuwhof’s interview with Gordon MacDonald on The view from 80Stop what you’re doing and listen to it.
  • 2+ hours of leadership gold.
  • Well, my next sermon is due at noon, so back at it…

When God Says No

Have you ever wanted something so badly, and it didn’t happen? It may have been a relationship, a job opportunity, buying a house, or any number of things you were so sure would be amazing, and yet, it fell through.

There have been times in my life where I have been so sure of something, so sure of a decision that I can see it happening, and then it didn’t happen.

And I’m left to wonder why.

Why did that door close? Why did that opportunity go away? Why did that relationship fade into the distance? Why didn’t God say yes to that?

Looking back on my life and the lives of others, I can see some perspective. While this isn’t always the case because some situations aren’t fully realized yet, but I’ve learned that sometimes when God says no, he is really protecting me.

I knew a church that had hired a pastor, but then that pastor backed out. They were devastated because they had announced the hire and started moving the pieces, but then it came out a few months later that this pastor had morally failed.

I have known countless people who were the finalists for jobs, jobs that were a “perfect” fit for them that they were so sure they were going to get, only to be told no.

Each person has since told me that it was really the best thing for them in the long run.

Is that always the case? Not always. But many times, being told no instead of a yes is not the worst thing.

When we are told to “wait,” we are waiting for something that we are being prepared for.

I can look back on numerous dreams and goals that I had, but I wasn’t ready to walk into them. I wasn’t ready to receive them or experience them. By waiting, I was allowed to be better prepared for them.

5 Thoughts from Moderating a Conversation on Race

This week, my church hosted a deeper dive into the topic of racism. I was so proud of my church. To engage in such a difficult, and deeply felt topic, and to do it with grace. From those on stage to the chat hosts, our whole team handled everything with such grace and courage. I know we took some hits for it and that we have received some nasty emails, but the overall response was one of incredible thankfulness.

The deeper dives are one of my favorite experiments we’ve tried in this covid world. The conversation last night was incredibly helpful, courageous, gracious, and uncomfortable. As a dad of a black son, I’ve learned a lot over the years as I try to prepare Judah to be a black man in America, which is different than being a white man in America because whether we want to admit it, white privilege is real.

I have a long way to go in that understanding and education, but I’m trying. I thought I would take a moment and share a few reflections, what I learned in moderating the conversation and how we can engage together:

1. Decide this conversation is worth engaging in. I am proud of my church for deciding to have this conversation. This isn’t the only time we’ve talked about this at my church or even the last time. But I am thankful that we have it. I know that we lost some people because of it,, but I also know that we gained and impacted some people. And no, that isn’t a reason to do it, but it is a reality of leadership.

I think many of us, either because of ignorance, fear (which we’ll talk about), or simply because other things are happening in front of us, we don’t engage in this conversation. We don’t learn; we don’t listen, we don’t step into it. As leaders, we must. We can’t sit on the sideline and do nothing or say nothing.

But this is a conversation; it takes two people and conversations happen both ways. When it comes to race, we must engage together, listening, and learning. Asking questions, being willing to stumble over words, asking what seems like a dumb question, extending grace when someone says something they shouldn’t, or struggles to see if from your perspective.

Too often, we assume we know what the other person thinks. There were several things that Pastor Grady said last night and thought, “I’ve never heard that before.” Or, “I never thought about it from that angle.”

Too often, and I’ll speak just for me, I can think I know all that there is to know. Or I can assume that because I read one book or a blog post, that I know what everyone experiences. I can easily assume that because I experienced something or haven’t experienced something, that everyone has my worldview.

2. Talking about racism is uncomfortable. The reality is, this is an uncomfortable conversation. It is uncomfortable because many of us don’t know what to say; we don’t know where to start; we struggle to understand our own story and the story of others. We struggle to see their perspective and understand what it is like to be ____ in America.

I am consistently humbled by the grace extended to me by my African American friends and pastors in Tucson. They graciously keep coming to the table to talk, to listen, to press in.

So, as a white person, it is difficult and uncomfortable. But I remember hearing a black pastor say, “If you think it’s uncomfortable talking about racism, imagine experiencing it.”

I have grown to discover that I have very little idea of the pain that African Americans feel and carry because of racism. Talking about racism, what lies in my heart is hard to do because it means I must confront sin in me and in the systems that live in our culture.

And yes, systemic racism and white privilege exist. They are not made up or imagined things, but part of the conversation we must have and things we must confront.

3. It really is possible to have a conversation about racism. This deeper dive happened because almost 10 years ago, two pastors: a white and a black one, decided to have a conversation and build a friendship. They talked about their differences and learned they had more in common, but they also learned together.


That is one of the keys to any learning and conversation, but especially one on race.

Humility to face the things you’ve done and face the things people have done in the past.

Yes, there is a good chance you will ask a question that you will feel dumb when you ask it. You might say something offensive or hurt someone’s feelings, but apologize to them quickly and make it right. Repent and ask for help. That is humility.

The friendship between Glen and Grady is a great reminder for people my age and younger: we stand on the shoulders of the men and women who have come before us, the leaders who have blazed the trails we walk on. If you walk in a smooth path, someone cleared that for you. If you encounter a path that is not clear, clear that path for the next generation.

4. There are a lot of scared people in our country. Every day on social media, there are stories upon stories of the fears that our African American brothers and sisters carry. Fears of walking out the door, being pulled over, shot in the back. Those fears are real, and they cannot be brushed aside.

There is a fear of how fast things are changing and honestly, the changes that I think bring about fear in many white people is the loss of the world they’ve known. The majority culture is being confronted and that isn’t a bad thing. We must learn what is in our history, what has been done and “what we have always known.”

When my kids play with other kids, I watch the eyes of the other dad’s. They are on Judah, not my other boys. I don’t think they do that on purpose, but they are watching him play with their kids, especially if they have a daughter. What makes them afraid of him? My soft-spoken black son. Someone, somewhere, taught them to be afraid. I heard it growing up and that is the places of our stories and histories we need to repent of and face.

5. Educate yourself. Change starts with you, with one person.

One thing I was reminded of last night is that people really do want to learn and engage. Yes, there are people on all sides of an issue that have no desire to listen, no desire to learn, and just want to shut it down. But most people aren’t like that. At our deeper dive, people asked questions, raised issues, but I imagine they leaned in and listened. I’ve heard from so many people who have said thanks, thank you for pressing in on this and pushing us. Right now, my wife is taking our kids through a book about things I never learned in history and it is uncomfortable but we need to know those things.

If you go to our deeper dive page, there is a list of resources to help you move forward in this conversation.

I loved what Grady said, change in our culture will come from the church, not the government. We cannot sit on the sidelines. I want to be a part of that, and I’m trying to learn how to do that.

Three Things to do Right Now to Strengthen Your Church

Leading right now isn’t easy as leaders everywhere are trying to figure out what is coming next.

But if we aren’t careful, we will waste a crucial opportunity and moment right in front of us.

Yes, we need to pivot and make decisions to keep moving forward today, but this is a great opportunity to take a look under your church’s hood so that you come out of Covid stronger than when you went into this pandemic.

How do you do that?

By working on your church, not just in your church.

At my church, we have talked about three simple ideas. Three simple words to do this:

Simplify. Back when churches began pivoting to online, I saw Warren Bird say on twitter, “Insight: church leaders have a window of “permission” to make changes they’ve wanted to make for years. Example: Looking for an excuse to re-organize a ministry? Plan it now, and then roll it out when we’re able to meet again.” Right now, you have scaled back your ministries. You are doing less in your student ministry, kids ministry, small groups, classes, etc.

Here are some questions to ask with your team:

  • The things we cut out, do we need them? Did they actually add the value that we thought they did?
  • Does what we do, does it produce the kind of disciples and leaders we want to produce?
  • Do we have the staff to do the things we used to do?

When your church regathers, it should not go back to business as usual and do what it used to do.

Rebuild. Many of your staff and ministries might be exhausted, run-down, not at full capacity. You may need to hire some people or develop new leaders for the future.

Here are some questions to ask:

  • Are our tanks empty or full?
  • How are we doing spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and relationally? What can we do to improve those?
  • What ministries need to be rebuilt?
  • What ministries and processes need to be retooled or added to for the future?

Digitize. The digital church has been growing across America and the world for several years, but this crisis has sped it up. The digital church isn’t going away, so you must figure out what part it will play in your ministry as a church. These questions have enormous implications and are not simply philosophical but also theological.

Here are a few questions to work through with your team:

  • What part will the digital church play for us?
  • Is the digital church a front door to Sunday morning?
  • Are we physical locations with a digital church, or are we a digital church with physical locations?
  • Do we provide a digital option for every physical option? If not, what do we need to provide a digital option for?
  • What staff do we need to provide more digital options?

This is a crucial moment for churches, not just in terms of changing what we do, but in coming out of this healthier and stronger than when it started back in March.

Don’t waste the opportunity in front of you!

The Disorientation of Pastoring

I’m a pastor, and I talk to a lot of pastors, and right now, pastoring is hard.

Pastoring has always been hard. Not harder than other jobs, but hard. Right now, pastors are navigating everything that everyone else is navigating: Covid, virtual school, conversations around race, the election, the potential loss of their job or taking a pay cut, and more.

The best word to describe leadership and to pastor right now is disorientation.

Many pastors I know are tired, overwhelmed, feel unprepared for the world they are pastoring in. They also love their people, and they miss gathering in a room with their church, praying with them, hugging them, and doing life with them.

One of the reasons for this is that pastors are unsure of what to work on next. As they try to pivot to online church, what it looks like to reach people and disciple people in a divided, mostly online world.

They have just come out of a season that they worked more than ever and often wondered if they did anything or made an impact when their church went online. Many pastors have no idea if what they are doing is working or even impacting anyone.

If you’re anything like me, this season has exposed some idols around work, how much you work, how much you like the pat on the back after a sermon, the energy that comes from taking a new hill or other tangible ministry results. These aren’t necessarily bad, but many pastors are having their idols exposed in their souls, and that is disorienting, especially when you are tired.

Recently, I’ve heard from many pastors wondering if they have the energy for the next season, especially when they are unsure what that season will look like, especially as we stare down the most divided and polarizing political landscape ever.

If you can relate, here are a few things to know and do:

1. You are not alone. I think one of the biggest blessings to me during this season of Covid is I have pushed deeper into relationships with other pastors. I knew I needed it, but I didn’t realize how badly I did. I need to hear others vent and know that I am not alone. I am not the only one struggling, trying to figure it out, dealing with frustrations or expectations that haven’t been met, or dreams that haven’t been realized. I need friends to press the gospel into me and expose (gently) the idols in my heart. This is a good thing. Get around some other leaders to encourage and pray for each other.

2. Rest. Take a nap, read a novel, take a walk, get a good night’s sleep, turn off social media, and email.

I feel like I say this for 75% of my blogs, but as a culture, we are not good at resting and seasons like this, it shows. We need to relax, and we need to rest well. We made bad decisions when we are tired, we are more likely to fall into temptations when we are tired, so rest. Your church, your family, your friends need you to show up with your heart and soul full.

3. Be alone with Jesus. Which leads me to this one, be with Jesus. Read your bible, listen to him, pray. Be a child of God. This is a season where we need to remind ourselves that we are sons and daughters of God. That we are loved for who we are in Him, not what we do.

As we move towards the fall season of ministry, many of us are exhausted and depleted, and maybe you are thinking about leaving the ministry, and we need to be refilled by Jesus. We need to be reminded of our calling and why we do what we do.

4. Bless and/or serve someone. One of the things we often overlook is the power of helping someone or blessing someone with something.

This could be a simple act of generosity, a conversation, a gift, helping someone. As Pastors, we often tell people to do this, but we rarely do this for others. But there is a lot of power in this act, and it is incredibly refreshing.

Pastor, know this. You are not alone in how you feel right now. You are not alone in your leadership. Many pastors are struggling right now. Jesus has not forgotten you. You are the leader that your church and community need at this moment. Don’t give up, but be wise in this season as you prepare for the next.

When You’ve Been Betrayed in Leadership

All leaders know this feeling.

Someone you have poured into walks out on you or doesn’t keep their word. A staff member, boss, or board member lies to you. You open up to someone about what is happening in you, and they don’t keep that. You share an audacious dream or calling, and someone starts out supporting you but then stops.


Being personally let down.


Every leader knows this feeling too well.

Even those who aren’t leaders know this feeling. But I want to focus on what to do when you are a leader.

A simple response is to pull back. To never trust again, to not open yourself up to the possibility, and many choose this path. I know I have several times in my life. It feels more comfortable, and in the short term, it is. It keeps us walled off and allows us “just to lead.”

In the long term, though, it stunts our leadership and their leadership.

First, you.

You must wrestle with a few things in this moment and situation.

  1. Where do you hurt? Locate what hurts. Where in your body does this hurt? What does that tell you about what is going on in you? Too often as leaders, we simply push through things and not articulate where something hurts. Does your heartache? Stomach? Head?
  2. Why do you hurt? Understanding this gets into the narratives of our lives and the family that we grew up in, but you need to engage this. Once when I felt let down by someone I trusted, I had to articulate that it hurt because of never feeling like older leaders believed in me and the mark that had made in my life, the jealousy I had felt towards other leaders who had mentors. While I was letdown and had reason to be upset, it had more to do with me at that moment. Sometimes figuring this out will take a trust counselor or friend.
  3. How do you protect against bitterness? As bitterness grows in your heart, joy leaves. Bitterness also makes it incredibly difficult for you to see things as they are because you will simply see everyone and everything around you through that lens.
  4. How do you trust and hope again? I think hope is the battleground for every leader and one we must engage with daily, but don’t lose hope. You must put practices into place that keep you hopeful, that keep you in the place of dreaming, that keep you refreshed as a leader so that you can lead well and not from a place of cynicism.

And second, what about their leadership?

This is where the difficult conversation comes in. None of us like hard conversations, but they have to be had, especially in leadership. I think having healthy, hard conversations, is one thing that separates leaders in life.

If someone has betrayed you, someone has stabbed you in the back, not kept their word, lied to you, bailed on your dream, or simply let you down. You need to say something to them.

What happens after this moment for you as a leader will determine a lot. I have watched my leadership stall out because of being weighed down by hurt and bitterness. This doesn’t mean that you pretend it didn’t happen or didn’t hurt, but if you have been wired as a leader and called to lead, fulfill that. Know that hits are part of the road. Difficulties will come. Don’t be surprised by them, and don’t let them take you out of the game.

Pastor, Care for Your Soul

I want you to pull out a piece of paper. Not your phone. I want to invite you to set some time aside to look at your soul, to see what’s happening in you. 

2020 is not normal. What you are walking through, what you are leading through, no one has led through a pandemic with the access to technology that we have. That adds a layer of complexity, and if we’re honest, exhaustion. 

To see what’s going on in you, I want you to write down how you have felt over the last several months. What is going on in you?

For me, in the last few months, the best words to describe it are deflated and sad. Like there is a huge cloud hanging over my year. The guy who led me to Christ died from covid. We’ve had friends lose their job. If you’re a pastor, you are carrying all kinds of weight about your church and leading them through this season. 

According to Barna, let’s see if other pastors said what you wrote down. According to Barna, when they asked pastors how they are feeling: 

  • 51% said tired
  • 41% are exhausted
  • 39% are panicked 

I talked a pastor this week who leads a church of 400, and he said: 100 people want us to require masks, 100 people don’t want masks, 200 people don’t care. He said I feel like my church is splitting at the seams right now. 

31% of pastors say they are struggling with their well-being. 68% say they feel overwhelmed by the task of leading right now. 

Not only are we facing a pandemic, but a difficult economy, racial tensions that many have ignored for too long, and an election on the horizon.

The reason I say this and have you write it down is that as people, as leaders, we must name what is going on in us. 

Naming things takes away its power, and until we name it, we can’t change it, because we can’t take responsibility for what is false. 

The other reason naming things is essential, is until we do, we don’t know where we are asking God to meet us. Are we asking God to meet us in our exhaustion, hopelessness, sadness, depression, depletion, are we asking God to meet us in our hope, our joy?

But we also can’t lead our people forward without naming them. 

And right now, our people need our leadership. Those stats are true for your people as well. They are tired, exhausted, panicked, they are struggling with their well-being, and feel overwhelmed by life right now.

Maybe for you, you need to name losses you have experienced this year. We aren’t very good at experiencing loss and grieving those losses, but they are a crucial part of our maturity and becoming more like Christ.

To re-evaluate, refocus, and realign, you have to look at where you are. Until you do, you can’t move forward. 

So here are some questions to help you meet Jesus in this place and care for your soul:

  • What is God teaching you as a leader right now?
  • What is God revealing to you about your church? A crisis has a way of showing our cracks, as well as our strengths. What strengths and weaknesses have been revealed in you or your church during this season?

Many of us are feeling off-kilter, or even excited, because God is revealing some areas of weakness in our churches, he is showing us some new things.

It is difficult to lead when you are tired, exhausted, panicked, but here we are. Many of us are don’t have a full tank or even a half-full tank. 

How would you rate your spiritual practices? On your paper, let’s evaluate ourselves:

  • How is your prayer time? Your Bible reading?
  • How’s your sleep?
  • How are your eating habits?
  • How are you doing with exercise?
  • If you’re married, how’s your marriage? Your intimacy with your spouse? I’ve had countless pastors tell me their struggle with porn is stronger than before. 

What is one thing you will change to experience renewal in the next week?

Don’t shoot for three things, just one. Look for one way to care for your soul and meet Jesus in a deeper place this coming week.