Paying Attention To Tensions

Have you ever had this happen to you? You are facing a decision, any decision, and you just can’t seem to figure out what to do. But as you look closer, there’s something about one of the options that just doesn’t feel right. You don’t know why, but you sense it. This happens in relationships when we think, there’s something off with that person. Or, you’re buying a house or a car, but one of them just doesn’t feel right. This happens when we’re thinking of taking a job or hiring someone. There’s something there that we can’t quite put our finger on. 

We call this a sixth sense, women’s intuition, our gut. If you’re a follower of Jesus, it is at this point you might wonder if God is telling you something. Is the Holy Spirit speaking to you?

Do we ignore it? Listen to it? How do we know?

This is where Andy Stanley’s third question in his book Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets: 5 Questions to Help You Determine Your Next Move is so helpful: Is there a tension that deserves my attention?

Often, we simply fly through these tensions. We think we can handle it. We think it might go away with time.

Sometimes, it’s because we don’t want to say we’re wrong, we don’t want to go back on a commitment we’ve made. We simply start to look for things that confirm what we want. It could be because we think we’re the only ones who feel this way. Everyone else wants to go along with it, everyone else is drinking, so I’m the only one. Or, we’re in a hurry and so we simply need to buy this and get it done.

If you’ve read my other blogs on this topic (here and here), you know this is so much easier to see in the lives of other people. We see tensions all the time in their life and wonder why they’re ignoring them. We wonder why someone else decided to fill up their calendar and overcommit. We wonder why someone decided to take that job when it seems so obvious that it’s a bad fit. We wonder why our friend is still with that guy when he is so wrong for her. 

Tensions are easy to pay attention to when they are in someone else’s life.

So, when a tension arises in your life, what do you do with it? How do you know if you should listen to it? Just because there’s a tension there doesn’t mean you shouldn’t move forward. It just means you should pay attention.

Am I listening to the right voices? Tensions often arise because of the voices we listen to. We listen to our friends, ads, ourselves and start moving in that direction. Then, we just happen to mention the idea to someone else and they raise a red flag that we missed before. They say, “Is that a good idea? That sounds too good to be true. Are you sure?”

And all of a sudden, we aren’t sure. There’s tension. 

At this moment, it is easy to brush off those voices and move forward. But, when we do, that is what often leads us to regrets. 

Many of my regrets in leadership and ministry have happened at this point. Things that appeared to be good things for God, or good opportunities, but situations where I overlooked something important. Maybe it’s a question that needed to be answered, or a red flag in a person I was interviewing that I decided to ignore. 

Am I ready for what’s next? Many times tensions arise because we are sure of what is next, but it hasn’t happened yet. 

We believe God has placed something on our hearts, called us to something, given us a feeling or a “sense”, but what if we aren’t ready? What if God needs us to grow more? To prepare us more? To prepare someone else for what is next?

Tensions often arise at this moment and with our impatience for good things, we skip right past those tensions. 

Can I keep my integrity and move forward? Many times the reason we feel tensions in life and relationships is that moving forward goes against our values, beliefs, or codes in life. We ignore them because we’re caught up in the moment, it feels good, everyone is doing it, or because we want to. 

A great question to ask yourself when a tension arises is, can I do this and keep my integrity? 

The Power of Your Word for the Year

This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage

Every year, many Americans will set a New Years Resolution. Over 50% of Americans will select one, but more than half have given up by summer.

I remember seeing a meme that said, “A new year’s resolutions are just a to-do list for the first week of January.”

And that’s how it feels sometimes. 

These goals range from losing weight, starting a business or school, quitting smoking and vaping, getting out of debt. 

Resolutions are helpful, and maybe they bring you to focus, but I think they are missing something. 

Twelve years ago, I was there. Then, I weighed 300 pounds, and I was miserable. To read more about my weight loss journey, you can read it here.

Every year, I said, this was the year I would lose weight. When Katie and I got married, I was 200 pounds heavier than her. A friend told me once that she married me as an investment. 

At one of my lowest points, I blamed her for my weight. Finally, I told her that I would lose weight if she cooked healthier food. To which she told me, “We eat the same food.”


I tried diets, exercise plans, fasting, everything it seemed, and nothing worked or stuck. 

We went to a doctor, and I told him, “I want to lose weight. I want to be skinny.” He looked at me and said, “Josh, that is a terrible goal.” 


He said, “you need to lose weight because you aren’t even 30 yet, and you are incredibly unhealthy, but losing weight is a terrible goal for anyone.” So instead, he said, “make being healthy your goal.” Here’s what is fascinating to me now; he was right.  It was not only how it played out in my life but also how Scripture and research back this up. 

Proverbs 4 says:

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.

Your heart is the center of who you are. It is about what and who you love and your desires, longings, and dreams. It also defines the person you are becoming. And yes, God cares about the person you are becoming.

What do you love? What do you desire? What do you think is most important right now and in 2022? What would you like to happen this year?

The writer of Proverbs tells us to give careful thought to it. Too often, we are flippant about our goals, loves, and desires. But as one writer said, “You are what you love.”

We need to pay attention to desires, especially the desires in our hearts because they will drive us in life. And, this is so important; we need to bring those desires to God to see if they are from him. We want to see if they are worth our time and energy, and if that is who he created us to be.

Too often, though, our cultural narrative is, if you desire it, if you want it, it must be right for you. But asking what God thinks of something can sound negative, so let’s reframe the question: What does God want you to focus on in 2022? What kind of person does God want you to become in 2022? Next week, I’ll share a more detailed process of figuring this out, but start thinking about this now.

But how do we know? How do we know if we have the right focus?

The writer of Proverbs tells us in verse 25: Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.

This is the principle of one focus. It matters what we focus on, what we look to. That focus, that attention will determine the person we become.

In one of my favorite books of all time (it’s on my kid’s high school reading list, too), Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear. And his research backs up Proverbs 4. 

Clear said that becoming a new person, keeping a new habit is wrapped up in a simple two-step process:

  1. First, decide the type of person you want to be.
  2. Then, prove it to yourself with small wins.

Decide the type of person you want to be. This is the focus that Proverbs 4 talked about. What we focus on and what we give our attention to determines who we become. 

Who you are, who you are becoming. Not just who you are growing into, but what kind of person does God want you to become this year and beyond?

Often, we think God cares about what we do and feel, and he does, but God also cares deeply about the person we are becoming. He created and designed you a specific way, with particular gifts, talents, and abilities. Therefore, what you can do is unique to you. 

Too often, though, we live someone else’s dreams. We go after someone else’s goals. We try to have someone else’s marriage or career live up to a family standard. 

I talk to many students who want to do one thing, but their parents want them to do something else, and they give up their dream. They give up their focus. 

This point is why my doctor was right. There is a difference between being healthy and losing weight. We all know people who eat fast food six times a week and are skinny. You can lose weight and not be healthy. I had lost weight countless times and put it back on, all without becoming healthy. 

Being healthy is about the person I was becoming. 

And what I learned for me is so crucial: Being healthy is about what is happening in you. Losing weight is what is happening to you. 

Prove it to yourself with small wins. 

What we often do with a goal is to set unrealistic expectations. For example, we say I’m going to start running this year and run five days a week. Well, how often do you run now? I don’t. Or, I’m going to get up at 4 am to pray and read my bible. What time do you get up now? 7. That’s not realistic. 

I love what James Clear tells clients to do to lose weight. He tells them to go to the gym for 5 minutes a day, three days a week. Walk in, lift a weight, do one exercise. He says they always look at him like that is the dumbest idea on the planet, but he tells them, “Right now, you aren’t the kind of person who goes to the gym. You have to become the kind of person who goes to the gym.”

And that small win, of making it there three days a week for 5 minutes each day becomes 10 minutes, which becomes 20, and so on. 

I think having a word for the year can be so important. It answers the question, who am I becoming this year? What am I focusing on this year?

The benefit of having a word over a resolution or a goal is that it defines who you will become in a year and what you will focus on. A resolution and goal can wrap themselves up in this, but a word gives so much more power to your life.

It decides the story you will tell for your year.

Most Read Posts of the Year

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I hope you are all ready for Christmas and that you get a chance for some downtime over the holidays.

I won’t be posting any new posts until 2022, but in the meantime, I wanted to share the top posts from this past year, just in case you missed them:

1. How to know it’s time to leave your ministry role and part 2.

2. The Best Advice I’ve Gotten in the Last 5 Years

3. Finding the Heart of a Church

4. How to Interview a Church

5. 11 Ways to Engage Guests at Your Church

6. Phones, Loneliness, and Our Deep Need to Connect

7. How to Start a New Season of Life & Ministry

8. How to Make Your Life Count

9. When You Don’t Know the Future

10. Managing a Job Transition

How to Prepare Your Heart for the New Ministry Year

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There are many different blogs about preparing for the new year, setting goals, and setting your word for the year. And I hope you are diving into those.

But I want to help you how to prepare your heart for the next year of ministry.

Here’s why this matters: Recently, Barna revealed that 38% of pastors have seriously thought about leaving the ministry in the past year. That is a staggering stat. And it makes sense. The last two years have been incredibly hard for everyone, especially pastors. And while I haven’t thought about leaving the ministry in the past year, I have thought about it at other times.

There is a good chance you are part of that or on the edge of feeling like that. Or maybe, you are excited and hopeful for the following year. No matter where you find yourself, I want to encourage you to spend some time before the new year and prepare your heart for the coming year.

So, as you prepare for the New Year, here are some things I’m asking myself and would encourage you to ask:

1. How am I doing? Really? Be honest if you are tired, burned out, sad, exhausted, or angry with God or someone. Write it out. Talk with someone. Share it with God.

These last couple of years have been hard. I want to encourage you to write out or share with someone you are. If you are thinking about quitting, tell someone. If you are depressed, tell someone. If you are excited and hopeful, tell someone.

2. Why do I feel that way? What is God trying to show me? But don’t just tell someone. Instead, dig into those feelings and situations.

Many times as leaders, we don’t grieve things in our lives and face the losses we have been dealt. Over these last couple of years, we have lost friends, and relationships have shifted.

We have lost people in our churches, and maybe your attendance is down.

What is that telling you about your heart? I know for many pastors I had to face in 2020 that I liked preaching to a packed room, and there was some ego connected to that. I had to deal with that in my time with God. Whatever you are feeling, however, you are doing, what is God trying to show you in that?

3. What kind of pastor, parent, spouse, and friend does God want me to be in the next year? Each year, I encourage my church to ask themselves and spend some time with God on figuring out their word and focus for the year. I’d encourage you to do the same.

For years I have focused on one area of my life that I want to grow in or improve. A topic I want to spend more time on or read on. This doesn’t have to be ministry-related but can be if that’s helpful.

But, if you become more like Jesus in the coming year, what would that mean? What areas would you grow in or work on?

4. What relationships do I need to focus on this year? As leaders, we aren’t very good at relationships and friendships. We fill our calendars with tasks and meet people, but we don’t go deep with many people. Instead, we are helpers, guides, and leaders.

But if the last couple of years has shown me anything, it is how meaningful friendships are and how important they are for leaders.

5. What prayers am I asking God for this year? What are you asking God for this year? Do you have a list of goals, dreams, and longings?

Over the last couple of years, my prayers with God started to shift from dreaming to surviving. I’m not sure about you, but I’ve been convicted recently about what I’m asking God for and praying bigger prayers.

Lastly, this isn’t a question. But I want to encourage you to pull out your calendar, schedule your Sundays off from preaching, and your family vacation this summer, and put in your retreat days. If you do not schedule these times, you will have difficulty making them happen.

What to do When You’re Spiraling

Recently, I hit a wall.

Not a wall of burnout, but a wall where I couldn’t take any more stress for the day.

I was at my limit emotionally, relationally, mentally, physically.

I was short with everyone around me; nothing made me happy.

Can you relate?

I was spiraling. At least, that’s what we call it.

For me, this happens when I feel like I am carrying a tremendous load, when the weight of the world is on my shoulders. When I’m not processing my emotions well or when I’m not handling criticism well, I feel tired. It can also happen when life feels out of control, or I don’t think I’m being appreciated in life.

For you, it might be something different. It might be criticism, being taken advantage of, someone doing the same thing again and again.

All of us have it. All of us have a limit. All of us have a thing that we will spiral when those things perfectly align in our day or week.

But what happens next is very important.

If we aren’t careful, we will continue to spiral; we will push people away, make things more complicated or worse.

What do you do when you spiral? How do you handle it? How do you stop it?

Here are a few things that I’ve learned and practice when this happens to me:

Get outside and move. When this happened recently, we went for a long walk as a family. It’s essential to get outside and move—our place, our surroundings matter in our moods and how we handle things. Often, we need to get up from our desks, walk away from our phones and emails, and get some new perspective or take a deep breath.

Get some food or take a nap. When Elijah spirals in scripture, God tells him to eat some food and take a nap (1 Kings 19:5 – 18). It is incredible how much better I feel about life, the stress I’m facing, difficult decisions, or conversations that lay ahead, simply by taking a nap or eating some food. 

Another helpful note here is to wait on responding to people until you get to sleep through the night. This will save you from having to apologize for how you acted and reacted in this situation. 

Talk it out with someone to get some perspective. This can be your spouse or a friend, but someone who will listen, empathize with you and then give you perspective. That perspective may help you find a way forward or push you to see your fault in the situation. 

Someone else’s perspective is beneficial when you spiral, even to get someone to help carry the load and pray for you. 

Be honest with yourself about what is going on and how big of a deal it is. The reality is, when we spiral, the world won’t end. But, what causes us to spiral aren’t huge deals but speed bumps in the road. So, be honest about what you are facing and how big of a deal it is. My guess, if it’s anything like my spirals, it isn’t a big deal. It is in the moment, but in the grand scheme of things, it isn’t. 

Rise to the Challenge of Parenting & Leadership

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One thought I’ve had recently (and maybe you’ve thought the same thing) when it comes to parenting and leadership is, “I bet it was easier in previous generations.” As a parent, dealing with teenagers and phones, all the technology, I’ve thought my parents and grandparents had it easier.

If you’re a pastor or leader, you’ve thought this as well, especially during covid. They had it easier in the ’80s and ’90s, before social media and online church. Church ministry was easier when people were mainly open to Christianity or had a church background.

Maybe it was.

Maybe it wasn’t.

The point is, we aren’t the first to think this. We aren’t the first to throw a pity party about it.

In Judges 6, we encounter Gideon. Judges is a fascinating book because it is filled with bad decisions, sin, violence, destruction, and God calling up leaders to lead in the face of incredible difficulties. Gideon is one of them. The angel of the Lord comes to Gideon in Judges 6 and says, “The Lord is with you, valiant warrior.” If you read this, you would think this is a great compliment, and it is. But Gideon has questions. We all have questions. This is like when someone tells us, “You got this. You can do this. You were made for this.”

Gideon says in verse 13: “Please, my lord, if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened? And where are all his wonders that our ancestors told us about? They said, ‘Hasn’t the Lord brought us out of Egypt?’ But now the Lord has abandoned us and handed us over to Midian.”

He asks, “What about what God did? What about the wonders and miracles that God did? Where are those?”

These are the moments of leadership and parenting when we say: What about when sermons were easier? When updating the music is what drew people in? What about when everyone had at least some biblical knowledge? What about when our kids didn’t have phones? 

This is when we sit with our church and staff and say, “Remember things before covid? Remember the numbers, and what God did?” There is a sense of grief and loss at that moment. This is a sense of wondering what will be in the future and how things will play out.

While things are never as great or as challenging as we remember, we don’t know that in the moment of remembering. 

All we know is that it is tough now. And that is what Gideon is reacting to. 

Look at how God responds in verse 14: “Go in the strength you have and deliver Israel from the grasp of Midian. I am sending you!” Go in the strength you have. Go with the gifts and talents you have. Go with the experiences you have. Go with what you have. 

If you are leading in this moment, you have all that you need to lead. God didn’t call someone else. He called you. 

If you are parenting at this moment, you are the parent your kids need. God has called you, not someone else. 

If God wanted you to lead or parent in the 90’s, he would’ve had it happen then. But he didn’t. 

But like Gideon, we still complain. Gideon pushes back, questions God, complains some more, says he can’t do it. He says, “I am weak!”

And God tells him (and us) in verse 16: “But I will be with you.” The word ‘but’ is essential. It is God’s way of saying, “I hear you, but…”

I know it is hard to parent, but I’m with you. 

I know teenagers and phones aren’t easy, but I’m with you. 

I know ministry is challenging, but I’m with you. 

I know people are afraid and divided right now, but I’m with you. 

I’m with you. 

Mission vs. “The Way we Do Things”

In his great book Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory, Tod Bolsinger quotes James Osterhaus on the principle of Red Zone-Blue Zone decision making. 

The red zone is making decisions that are “all about me.” The blue zone is making decisions that are “all about the mission.”

One thing I see creep into churches when it comes to decisions, though, is that the mission slowly becomes the same as “the way we do things.” The line between the mission and the model slowly becomes the same line. When that happens, a church easily moves into the red zone because they make decisions to keep themselves comfortable, not make changes, or to keep power. 

The question leaders and churches need to ask themselves, according to Bolsinger, are, “Does this further our mission? Because a healthy system makes decisions that further the mission.”

Asking what furthers the mission and what furthers the way we do things are not the same question. Or, asking what furthers the mission versus what furthers the ______ (insert church name) way, are not the same question. 

Too often, churches and pastors confuse the mission and the way they do things. 

How does this happen?

Here are a few ways this creeps in:

Not having a clear mission. The first way this shows up is in not having a clear mission. If you don’t have a clear mission, this is why our church exists and what we are put on this earth to do, then it is easy to drift from that because there isn’t a right answer. 

Many churches are in this spot.

They lack clarity of mission, where they are headed, or even clarity of their strategy. And for many leaders and churches, it is easier to articulate “how” you do something instead of “why” you do something. As a result, pastors can often talk all day about how they do ministry, how they do a program but struggle to articulate why they started it, why it must keep going, why it must be this way instead of that way.  

When that happens, the way you do church becomes the mission, and you make decisions to keep your job, to stay comfortable, and to not go through the pain of change. 

Not having a clear model. Many pastors and leaders have not done the hard work of saying, “This is how we make disciples; this is how we do worship services; this is how we follow up with people.” It is far easier, they think, to bounce from one idea to another without actually asking, “How has God uniquely wired us and called us as a church for this time and place?”

God did not place you in your church or in your city to be exactly like North Point, Elevation, Saddleback, or _____. He placed you there, to be you. So, yes, learn from others, steal great ideas and implement them, but do the hard work and ask about contextualization and what makes sense for your church and your area. 

Falling in love with your model more than your mission. Leaders who do the hard work will find that their mission and model come out of their passion and story. This is one of the reasons it becomes blurry. And this is often why we fall in love with our model so easily. We created it, and it is who we are; it is what we like, what would reach us or does reach us. 

But you must stay flexible on your model (the how) and stay clear on the mission (the why). 

As Andy Stanley says, “Date the model, but marry the mission.”

Continue to ask yourself questions like:

  • What is working?
  • What is not working?
  • What isn’t clear?
  • What did we start 5, 10, 20 years ago that doesn’t make sense anymore?

Jesus continued to come back to the kingdom of God. That was what he talked about. That was his mission. Yet, he disappointed people, met people in different ways and through different means throughout his ministry. Paul did the same thing throughout the book of Acts. 

The mission was the same. However, the model and values shifted. 

Managing a Job Transition

Many of you know that my family moved from Arizona to Massachusetts to take a new job as the lead pastor at Community Covenant Church. It has been quite a summer. Throughout the transition, Katie and I have tried to be attentive to what God was teaching us, what we could learn through the different interview processes, and what God might be preparing us for.

Since then, I’ve heard from many leaders who are transitioning or thinking about transitioning. More and more will happen as we move out of covid into this new world. To help you as you think about it, here is everything I’ve written in this last season in one place:

Finding the Heart of a Church

How to Interview a Church

How to Know It’s Time to Leave a Ministry

How to Know It’s Time to Leave a Ministry Part 2

How to Let Go of Your Last Ministry Season

How to Start a New Season of Life & Ministry

Don’t Waste Your Desert (While not a job post, looking for a job will feel like a desert)

When You’re Passed Over or Rejected for a Job

Why Job Hunting is So Exhausting 

How to spot Red Flags at a Church During the Interview Process

Decide What You Won’t get in a Job

5 Questions to Ask Before Quitting Your Job & Taking a New One

The Hardest Part about Moving

And many of you have asked about books I read during the transition. So here are some of my favorites:


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When You’re Passed Over or Rejected for a Job

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If you follow this blog, you know that my family and I moved to a new church in Massachusetts this summer. I’ve tried to spend a good bit of time processing leaving a church, how to choose a new job and church, starting a new season, and how to let go of a previous season (especially if you’re hurt).

At some point, you will apply for a job and get rejected. You may apply for a job at your current church and not get it (like I did), and you might see a co-worker or someone you know get chosen instead of you.

How you process this moment and the feelings that happen will greatly impact your future ministry.

So, how do you handle rejection? How do you handle it when someone says, “This isn’t God’s will for your life?”, as that will happen at some point for you in Christian circles.

Rejection isn’t always about you. If you’ve ever hired someone, then you know the feeling of liking multiple candidates and choosing only one. Often, it is a gut thing; sometimes, it is a data thing.

This is a hard one, though, when you are turned down. But the reality is, rejection isn’t always about you. For example, in the process of interviewing, I’ve heard things like:

  • We want someone more outgoing than you.
  • We want a deeper preacher than you. We want someone less deep than you.
  • You are too conservative theologically. You are too liberal theologically.
  • You aren’t in our “tribe.” We want someone outside of our “tribe.”
  • You’re too young.

The list goes on. And if you apply for enough pastoral jobs, you will hear some ridiculous reasons given to you that aren’t worth repeating in a blog post.

When you apply for a job, they have a picture in their mind of what they hope for and what they want. Just because a church doesn’t choose you, it isn’t personal. You aren’t a fit for them, what they hope for or what they want.

I remember hiring a person once because we lacked their personality style on our team. Of course, others were just as qualified, but we needed a specific personality and gift set for the next season.

But when it happens, and if it happens again and again for you, it is hard not to take it personally.

Have friends who will speak the truth to you. Have some friends in your life that you can call when you get rejected, and they’ll say, “I’m sorry. I know you were hoping for that job.” You need friends who will commiserate with you and grieve with you.

You also need friends who will speak the truth to you. I remember when I didn’t get a job, I called a friend, and he said, “You dodged a bullet on that one. I’m actually glad you didn’t get that job even though you wanted it.” He went on, “If you got that job, in 3 years you were going to be burned out, disappointed, fired because you failed and then trying to get a job.” Yes, that was harsh for sure, but he was right. I’m an enneagram 8, and that’s how close friends speak to me!

As you are applying for jobs, you need to have friends who help check your motives: your motives for leaving, applying somewhere, wanting to move to a specific place, etc. Too often in job hunting it can become like dating: you stop thinking clearly and it becomes all emotions.

Try to find out why and learn from it. If you can, get some feedback from a place that rejected you. They may Christianize it and say “God told them,” or they may say nothing. I got some helpful feedback on how I interviewed, how I came across, my resume, experience, etc., just because I asked people. They won’t always give you this feedback, but if they will, it is very valuable.

Sometimes a rejection is God protecting you or preparing you for something else. Sometimes a closed door is God protecting you from something you aren’t aware of. It is hard to learn everything you can about a church in an interview process. However, churches put a great foot forward, and so when a door closes, God may be protecting you from something. 

He might also be preparing you for something else. And those are both great things, even if you can’t see them at the moment. 

Don’t burn bridges. No matter what, no matter how much it hurts or how emotional it gets, don’t burn bridges. 

You never know when you might cross paths with someone again. For example, in this last search, I interacted with an executive pastor I came across in an interview over 15 years ago. So you never know when you might meet someone again. And you never know if a church might come back to you for some reason or another. 

Pastoral Warning Signs

One common refrain I hear from pastors, again and again, is “I’m tired, I’m worn out. I feel like I have given everything I have”.

I get it. I’ve been there, and I will find myself there again at some point. But over the years, I’ve tried to figure out warning lights for myself. Much like a warning light in a car, is there a way to know when I’m getting too close to burn out, too close to the edge of tiredness, and not being a healthy leader?

While each one of us is different, and there will be warning lights for you that I don’t have, I think there are a few that every pastor needs to pay attention to:

1. Monitor your sleep and eating. Pay attention to what time you are going to bed and getting up, and what you are putting into your body.

For many of us this is such an obvious one, but we overlook it. As a result, we find ourselves staying up later and later, watching this show or that to wind down, or taking sleeping pills because of having difficulty falling asleep. Then we find ourselves waking up later and later in the morning.

Going to bed at the same time each day and waking up simultaneously is such a good thing for your body. You create a rhythm. So what does your bedtime and morning routine look like?

For me, I try not to look at my phone or the TV an hour before bed. Of course, this doesn’t always happen, but it’s a goal, and I shoot for 8-9 hours of sleep each night. These two things together mean I miss out on many TV shows that others are watching, and that’s okay.

My morning routine is also the same: Get up, coffee, Bible, and some leadership reading. I have my favorite spot in the house where I go, and I listen to worship music to help set the tone for my day.

Lastly, food. Monitor what you are putting into your body because it is the fuel for your body. You don’t have to eat clean 100% of the time; go for 80/20. But know that food is fuel, and you want to make sure you are giving yourself good fuel.

Each person is different with their needs when it comes to calorie intake, doing keto or gluten-free. The type of eating plan you have doesn’t matter as long as it is clean and you drink plenty of water. Again, this is such a simple thing but makes an enormous impact on your leadership.

2. Sermon content. Another warning sign for pastors is their sermon content and how fresh and new it is.

Here’s something I’ve learned: When I am tired, it is easier for me to look back at past sermons I’ve done instead of doing the hard work of creating new content.

Now, here’s a caveat: You should repeat sermon series or books of the Bible. Your church has changed, and new people have come, so do that series you did 5 years ago, but update it.

Pastor, are you giving your church something new or something rehashed?

What was the last new thing you learned? Are you finding yourself falling back into paths you’ve already walked, or are you blazing new trails?

3. Lack of close friends. One of the things you hear again and again from leaders is that leadership is lonely. While this is a whole other blog post, here is how this applies.

Yes, leadership can be lonely, but it doesn’t have to be. Leadership is often lonely because we as leaders isolate ourselves. We keep ourselves from getting close to others, or we think, “no one knows what I’m going through.” While the higher up you go in leadership, sometimes fewer people can relate to you, the reality is, people can still relate to you, and you need to relate to them.

I’ve learned in my life that when leadership has been lonely, it has often been a decision I’ve made instead of because it was really lonely.

Pastors, do you have any close friends? Does anyone know you at a deep level? Who in your life are you able to take your mask off and be yourself? All leaders need a place where they can stop leading and be. We all need people who are not impressed by us or don’t see us as the boss or leader, but just as a friend.

When was the last time you had fun with a friend? Unfortunately, we are often too serious for many leaders and pastors and miss out on playing and having fun. This is a warning sign for you as a pastor.

4. Difficulty making decisions. One of my last warning signs as a pastor is making decisions. Being a leader is mostly about making decisions. So, how easy is it for you to make decisions?

When I find myself struggling to make decisions about what to read, eat or watch, I know that is a warning sign for me.

What are your warning signs? Do you know what they are so you can keep an eye out to make sure you stay in the leadership game?